There are 4 Hindi movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. All the four movies have the same lead pair. Conx them

Here are the smart folk who got it correct
TOP 10
Venkatraghavan Sahasranaman (1st, MUMBAI)
Ramki Krishnan (2nd, Chennai)
Gayathri (3rd, Bahrain)
Ratna Rao (Mumbai)
priya shyam (bahrain)
Lv (Madurai)
Ravi Rajagopalan (Vishakapatnam)
Aashwina (Mumbai)
Priya Sethu (Bahrain)
Aparna Menon (Bah)
OTHERS who got full points
Ravi Vyas, Anu, Lakshmi Prakash, Shubha, Mona Sogal, Karthik Jagannathan, Mahesh, Anita, Anantha Kumar Rajamani, Savera Mehra, hari kumar, Arun Raman, Sri Grandhi, Zulfikar Ali, Arvind Ramaswamy, Smita Rangesh, Bash Ashok, Nilesh Parmar, Nandini Ganesh, Harini Mukundh, Gaurav Johri, Madhup Tewari, Rajee Gurumurthy, Supriya Narayanan, Anupam, Arshad, Supriya Mithal, Ramya, Srinivas Kotamarthi, R Bhashyam iyengar, Raghu Iyer, Vidhya Ganesh, Siddharth Watwe, Juhi, Anjana, Lakshmi, Pranav Kedia, Geetha Ramaprasad and Sudha Bhaskaran
The following got the ConX correct, but missed 1 point each (in the order of time of submission)
Maya Sharma, Pradeep Raghunathan and Priya Balasubramaniam
Congrats to all of you who participated and got it correct. ConX puzzles are published in this blog on Wednesdays at 2:30PM (Bahrain) and answers published on Thursdays.