
Stats: The puzzle page was loaded 540 times. 66 visitors had a go at it.  40 solvers completed both the puzzle and bonus form. The remaining 26 solved it partly or fully but did not submit. 18 solvers got the full score.

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Here is the solution grid:

A 13-letter entry that belongs to the same theme as the short
An actor associated with two entries that are the names of water bodies


Slot Clue Solution Annotation
4A Hurry up and be prepared to pick up English superstar (6, 7) AUDREY HEPBURN HURRYUPANDBE* picking up E
8A Scorsese made this parody boring. Contrived farce! (4, 4) CAPE FEAR APE (parody) boring FARCE*
9A Page from Sidney Sheldon novel returning on women’s magazine (6) NOELLE ON>>NO + ELLE  Reference: Noelle Page from ‘The Other Side of Midnight’
10A Illusion of precious metal buried in mud (6) MIRAGE MIR(AG)E
12A Rocky grounded unfancied contender (8) UNDERDOG GROUNDED*
14A Yemeni director’s biopic of English author (4) ENID Hidden in plain sight.
Ref: ‘Enid’ is a biopic with Helena Bonham Carter playing Enid Blyton
15A Teen Curie schooled this Curie, a Nobel laureate. Cute! (5) IRENE Composite anagram: TEENCURIE* = IRENECUTE*. Def: This Curie, a Nobel laureate
16A Man deserts riotous Myanmar militia (4) ARMY MYANMAR* – MAN
17A Herpetologist essentially follows cobra shedding skin in swirling Ravi river (3, 5) RIO BRAVO O follows RI(_OBR_)AV*
19A Haggard’s novel on an English revolutionary is a jungle adventure (6) SHEENA SHE + (E NA)<<(AN E)
20A Suppose wife’s throwing a fit? Husband’s hiding (4, 2) WHAT IF H hiding in W (AFIT)*
22A Tool removing pieces of sawdust, chips and wood flower (3, 5) RED RIVER SCREWDRIVER (tool) – S – C – W

Def: flower (for river)

24A A car Rhett’s arranged with Ola for his wife? (8, 1’4) SCARLETT O’HARA (ACARRHETTS + OLA)*
1D Public skipping work for entertainer with deft feet (4) PELE PE(–op)LE
2D Some swing and turn — grip and turn (4) SPIN S and PIN<<NIP (grip, reversed as indicated by turn)
3D Pride isolates Hollywood’s top director, one with a unique style (6) AUTEUR HAUTEUR – H
4D America and Great Britain evenly distributed things? That’s a bunch of stories!
(7, 6)
5D Fanatic regularly auditioned Thora for nudie (3, 4) DIE HARD Every third letter in au(D)it(I)on(E)d t(H)or(A) fo(R) nu(D)ie
6D Our helicopter flies a genius with clues (7, 6) HERCULE POIROT OUR HELICOPTER*
7D Political leader from Jaffna led NAM? No, SL envoy flipped! (6, 7) NELSON MANDELA Hidden in reverse
11D Pathological procedure for one of Napoleon’s siblings (5) ELISA Double definition
13D Couples may perform these endlessly for sons (5) DUETS For= DUE TO; DUET(–o) + S
16D New AI at Kremlin seen deleting ten lines randomly in Kafka novel (7) AMERIKA AIATKREMLINSEEN* – TENLINES*
18D Superhero and Lara Croft ultimately getting married inside bar (6) BATMAN B(AT M)AN
21D Trip by gangster in Florida (4) FALL FAREWELL – WERE*
23D Judgment lifted spirit (4) DOOM MOOD >> DOOM

Here’s the list of Top Scorers (For the full list, please check the Leaderboard in the Hall of Fame)

Each of the following scored 141 points (Grid Score – 137, Bonus – 4)

Anantakrishnan N.
Bhalchandra Pasupathy
Deepak Gopinath (Col.)
Himanshu Rajurkar
Lakshmi Prakash
Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
Max Jackson
Melissa McSeismal
Mona Sogal
Prakash Arumugam
Ramesh Swaminathan
Rathnakumar V
Ratna Rao
Samit Kallianpur
Sandhya Paruchuri
Sohil Bhagat
Tulika Das
Venkatraghavan S

Congrats to the toppers and to all the solvers who participated.

Grid Rating: The puzzle got an excellent rating of 8.43. It got 7 perfect 10s (18% of those who rated). The lowest rating was 6.

Favorite Clues:Many people had chosen more than 3 clues. The Top clues were

    1. Rocky grounded unfancied contender (8) – 13 votes
    2. A car Rhett’s arranged with Ola for his wife? (8, 1’4) – 10 votes
    3. Tool removing pieces of sawdust, chips and wood flower (3, 5) – 10 votes
    4. Hurry up and be prepared to pick up English superstar (6, 7) – 10 votes
    5. Our helicopter flies a genius with clues (7, 6) – 10 votes

Fantastic themed movie treat from Aquifer. Very enjoyable and love the way he has managed to integrate the theme both in the grid and the clues.

Here’s what our solvers said..

Name Comments / Feedback on the puzzle
Sandhya Paruchuri Entertaining puzzle!
Veera Raghavan Good puzzle. Had to spend time in googlosphere for getting many entries
Narayan Mandyam FANTASTIC
Venkatesan P. Liked the long anagrams with neat surface.
Mukundala Balasubramanyam Lovely thematic grid
Anantakrishnan N. Excellent puzzle!
Lakshmi Vaidyanathan Nice puzzle
Rathnakumar V First Bonus question is not clear, Shorter entries can be any clue less than 13 letters,
Venkatraghavan S Am constantly amazed at Aquifer’s gridfills. Another superb puzzle.
Arvind Kannabiran that was entertaining.
Sparsh Sinha Great, Some real twisters there.
Mukundala Balasubramanyam Lovely thematic grid
Bhalchandra Pasupathy Great gridfill, nice clues. Interesting overall. 23d falls in the category of ‘ambiguous’ clues, solution could be either DOOM/MOOD, needs crossings to fix uniquely, generally avoidable
Mona Sogal Like I have said before, I am always amazed at the number of theme entries the setter is able to incorporate all the time. Fun puzzle 🙂
Prakash Arumugam Nice thematic puzzle with a great surface
Ramesh Swaminathan Very smooth and entertaining. A few trickly clues. good effort to produce so many themed entries.
Samit Kallianpur Nice and simple!
‘On’ as connector in 21d might not be kosher (also, is another anagrind needed for “we’re”?
Koteswar Rao Enjoyable grid.
Ashit Hegde Overall very good surfaces . Many witty clues. Thoroughly enjoyed solving .
Madhusudan H Tough one that requires fine knowledge of the theme (or expert googling skills)
Ramki Krishnan Nice grid. Enjoyed solving. Some of the shorter clues were more tricky to solve and annotate than the longer ones! Not sure about the bonus q’s still.
Narayanan R Good one
Narayana Swamy D Nice clues involving Water bodies and Actresses
Max Jackson I guessed a couple of clues.
Arvind Ramaswamy The puzzle itself was a fun solve. Some clues were very good. But the 1st theme question stumped me! just made a wild guess.

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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