Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song

That was one tough puzzle! You know GoTs has arrived when Subhasree Thanikachalam answers the puzzle. She was the first to solve this puzzle after Arvind, one of our regular solvers had Tweeted that it was tough:). However, she didn’t respond in the blog.
Here are the smart folks who got it correct. All of them are toppers:)
Shrikanth (1st, CHENNAI)
Gayathri (2nd, Bahrain)
Vijayaraghavan Seethapathy (3rd, Chennai)
Venkatraghavan S. (Mumbai)
Savithri Rajesh (India)
Wooden Head (Bagireen)
LV (Madurai)
Madhusudan H (Chennai)
K Balakumar (Chennai)
Sreelakshmi and
Aashwina Mouli
Congrats to all who got it correct.This is the last GoTs for 2022. The next puzzle will be published in January. Happy holidays.