Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song

The puzzle was loaded 198 times and we had a good response. We got 51 submissions including 5 duplicates. 1 point was awarded to every correct answer. Here is the leaderboard sorted based on scores and then timings.
TOP 20
Mona Sogal (1st, Bangalore)
Ramki Krishnan (2nd, Chennai)
Anu Ananth (3rd, Bahrain)
Harini Mukundh (Bahrain)
Gayathri (Bahrain)
Leena ()
Smita Embar (United States)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Sreelakshmi (Calicut)
Sparsh Sinha (Bengaluru)
Debasmita Basu (Bhuvaneshwar)
Mukund Jagannathan (India)
Lakshmi Vaidyanathan (Madurai)
Priya Sethuraman (Bahrain)
Mahesh Vishnu (Muscat)
Tulika Das (Kolkata)
Harish TK (UK)
Savera Mehra (Bahrain)
Nilesh Parmar (Mumbai)
Vishy (USA)
Ratna Rao, Magi, Sudha Bhaskaran, Sri Grandhi, Srinath, Vidhya Ganesh, Viraj Divecha, Aashwina, Priya Balasubramaniam, Guha, Nandini Ganesh, Venkatraghavan S., Bash Ashok, RATNAKUMAR V, Arvind Ramaswamy, Meera, Kalilur Rahman, Nitin Deshpande, Hemanth Kumar and Geetha
OTHERS (4 or 3 points)
Vinay Singad, Sibani Mishra, Sid watwe, Veera Raghavan, Rasika and Supriya Narayanan
Hope you enjoyed the puzzle. Congrats to all who played and see you with a new GoSH puzzle next Saturday at 5PM (India)
NOTE: GoSH puzzles are published weekly on Saturdays at 2:30PM (Bahrain) and results announced on Sundays.