Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song

Welcome to our new players Amit from Bahrain and Ankur Sanwal from Gujarat. We got 280 page views but only 57 responses including 4 duplicates. For the first time we had as many as 7 wrong submissions. The closest to the right answer was Nilesh Parmar’s “Tujhe Dekhe Bina Chain Kabhi Bhi Nahi Aata” – First I thought he was winging the lyrics till I discovered that there was an almost unknown Indy pop number like this:) Good attempt.
One person had answered “Do bastion ho sakti hain” though I am not sure how it fits after the “Do”.
Most other wrong answers were “Jay Jay shiva shankar” which is a pretty neat guess except that the rest of the panels after the first don’t really fit.
Here are the Smart folks who got it right..!
TOP 10
Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai)
Priya Sethuraman (2nd, Bahrain)
N Anantakrishnan (3rd, Pune)
Harini Mukundh (Bahrain)
Sparsh Sinha (Bengaluru)
Mona Sogal (Bangalore)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Sibani Mishra (Mumbai)
Viraj Divecha (Bangalore /India) and
Mathangi (Chennai)
Priya Shyam, Tulika Das, Rasika, Debasmita Basu, Arun Raman, LV, Sudha Bhaskaran, Vijay Bisani, Deva, Shaunak Shah, MJ, Magi, Nisha Rangarajan, Srinath, Madhup Tewari, Samit kallianpur, Rajee Gurumurthy, Ratna Rao, Venkatraghavan S., Madhusudan H, Sreelakshmi, Aashwina Mouli, Aparna Menon, Irumbu Chang Lee, Supriya Mithal, Ramya, Vidhya Ganesh, Gayathri, Harish T K, Mona D, Zulfikarali Bahrainwala, Ashit Hegde, Amit, Meera, Anu and Bash Ashok
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new GoSH puzzle next Saturday at 5PM (India)
NOTE: GoSH puzzles are published weekly on Saturdays at 2:30PM (Bahrain) and results announced on Sundays.