Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song

Bonus Question: Which of these positions did the person in Clue 4 hold?
A. Finance Minister B. RBI Governor C. Chief of SEBI
One of the toughest GoSH puzzles in recent times based on the feedback, we got only 29 submissions including one duplicate. Two people got the song incorrect though they cracked the bonus question. Our celebrity solver and supporter Vijay Shekarji cracked it and submitted even though he got to the puzzle late. Good to see you back:)
Here are the toppers..
TOP 10
Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai) – 37th time at #1
Priya shyam (2nd, Bahrain)
Nilesh Parmar (3rd, Mumbai)
MJ (Mumbai)
Anu (Bahrain)
Gayathri (Bahrain)
Manjunath Gawade (Bangalore)
Ramya N (Kottayam)
Ratna Rao (Mumbai)
Nitin Deshpande (Pune, India)
OTHERS who got both the song and bonus correct
Ganesh, Maya, Ashwin Bhandarkar, Lakshmi Prakash, Suyash Roongta, Priya Sethu, Sogal Mona, Sid watwe, Shilpa Srikanth, Geetha Ramaprasad, VENKATRAGHAVAN SAHASRANAMAN, Bash Ashok, Rajesh, Supriya Mithal, Vijay Shekhar and Madhup Tewari
The following got the bonus correct but missed out the song.
Sowps and Savithri Rajesh
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new GoSH puzzle next Saturday at 5PM (India)
NOTE: GoSH puzzles are published weekly on Saturdays at 2:30PM (Bahrain) and results announced on Sundays.