Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song

Bonus Question: In which of these movies did the actor in Clue 3 appear first?
A. Sangharsh B. Student of the Year C. Highway
We had almost 60 submissions and after removing duplicates it was down to 50. Many people missed the Bonus question and only 23 got it all correct. 1 person got both the song and bonus question wrong.
Here are the toppers..
TOP 10
Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai) – 28th time at #1
Priya Sethu (2nd, Bahrain)
Ratna Rao (3rd, India)
Gayathri (Bahrain)
priya shyam (bahrain)
Nilesh Parmar (Mumbai)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Srinath (Pune / India)
LV (Madurai)
Aashwina (Mumbai)
OTHERS who got both the song and bonus correct
Smita Rangesh Embar, Sagnik Sinha, Ashit Hegde, VENKATRAGHAVAN SAHASRANAMAN, Loks Subrahmanyam, Mahesh, Debasmita Basu, Mona Sogal, CR, Aparna menon, Mohit Bhalla, Madhup Tewari, V RATHNAKUMAR,
The following missed out on the Bonus Question although they got the Song correct..
Maya, Supriya Narayanan, Harini Mukundh, Arun Raman, Juhi Saklani, Supriya Mithal, Aishwarya Kumar, Sri Grandhi, Srikanth Sethuraman, Bhavani Giddu, Zulfikar Ali, Anandhi, Lata Muthanna, Shaunak Shah, Anu, Sudha Bhaskaran, Shilpa Srikanth, Neha shilpa, Vidhya Ganesh, Arvind Ramaswamy, Rajee Gurumurthy, Sid watwe, Anantha Kumar, Arshad Nadamal, Anish and Anita
Congrats to all who played.
The first GoSH puzzle was published on 9th May 2020 and we have successfully completed 1 year of GoSH with this 125th puzzle. We are celebrating the first anniversary of puzzling with a Hindi and Tamil Movie/Songs themed quiz online this weekend, as announced earlier in social media. It is going to be co-hosted by our undisputed Champ Ramki – who has placed #1, 28 times! The organizing team also includes Sethuraman Yegnanarayanan and Ramkumar Narayanaswamy.
25 teams have registered and we are looking forward to a gala fun game. There would be no puzzle posts this week since I am busy with the event. Looking forward to to seeing those who have registered and I will back next week with the regular puzzles.