There are 4 Bollywood movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. They are connected by some common aspect. Conx them

We got 39 responses including 3 duplicates. Of those who responded only 27 got it all correct. Welcome to first timers Raja S, Ramesh Swaminathan, Vinod and Vijay Bisani
Here are the smart folks who got it correct
Top 15
Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai) – 1st place for the 14th time, equalling Priya Shyam
Sania Narulkar (2nd, MUMBAI)
Priya Shyam (3rd, bahrain)
Ashwin Bhandarkar (Pune)
Aparna Menon (Toronto)
Maya (Bahrain)
Nilesh Parmar (Mumbai)
Venkatraghavan S. (Mumbai)
Raja S (Delhi India)
Suyash Roongta (Bangalore)
Leena ()
Bash Ashok (Bangalore)
MJ ()
Saira (Mumbai) and
Ganesh Raman (Dubai)
Loks Subrahmanyam, Sowps, Manjunath Gawade, Zulfikar Ali, Lakshmi Prakash, Mona Sogal, Priya Sethu, Meera, @usharameshnj, Shaunak Shah, Mo and Madhup Tewari
The following missed one or more points
Ratna Rao (with a possible typo putting “Nastik” for 2 and 3
Gayathri, Mahesh and Ramesh Swaminathan who had “Naseeb” instead of “Nastik”
Supriya Narayanan, Mathangi, Sudha Bhaskaran and Vinod missed one of the answers as well as the “ConX”
Vijay only got “Zanjeer” and part of the ConX with “Amitabh” correct.
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new ConX puzzle next Sunday at 4:00PM Bahrain (6:30PM India).
NOTE: ConX puzzles are published on Sundays at 4:00PM Bahrain (6:30PM India) and results are published on Mondays.