There are 4 Bollywood movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. They are connected by some common aspect. Conx them

We got 56 responses after removing duplicates, which is 10 more than the previous time. 46 got it all correct
Welcome to our new players Vikram Chandrashekar, Rajesh and Throopan NairHere are the smart folks who got it correct
Top 15
Magi (1st, Dxb)
Arvind Ramaswamy (2nd, Pune)
Debasmita Basu (3rd, Chennai)
Harini Mukundh (Bahrain)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Ratna Rao (Mumbai)
Supriya Mithal (Kanpur)
Kalilur Rahman (Hyderabad)
Aparna raghu ()
Maya Sharma (134)
LV (Madurai)
Sania Narulkar (MUMBAI)
Anu (Bahrain)
Sudha Bhaskaran (Pune/India) and
Ramki Krishnan (Chennai)
OTHERS (All correct)
Venkatraghavan S., Mona Sogal, Supriya Narayanan, Sri Grandhi, Mukul Oberoi, Priya Sethu, Mathangi, Mohit Bhalla, priya shyam, Bash Ashok, Gayathri, Aishwarya Kumar, Smita, Savera Mehra, Shilpa Srikanth, juhi, Zulfikar Ali, ASHIT HEGDE, Lakshmi, Sid watwe, Nandini Ganesh, Saira Jeelani, Meera, Suyash Roongta, Madhup Tewari, Priya B, Aashwina Mouli, Tulika Das, Srinath, Throopan Nair and Nilesh Parmar
The following lost 1 or more point each.
Geetha Ramaprasad (with Namak Haraam for Namak Halaal), Vikram Chandrashekar (with Rahee for Arth), Shaunak Shah (with Chakra for Arth), Ravi Vyas (with Namkeen for Namak Halaal and Shabana Azmi for the ConX), Anish Nambisan (Missed Clue 2 and the ConX), Anjana (Missed Clue 2 and the ConX), Leena (Got 2 correct but went on a different track)
Two people got all answers incorrect.
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new ConX puzzle next Wednesday at 2:30PM Bahrain