There are 4 Bollywood movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. They are connected by the same lead pair. Conx them

A great response with 54 entries and after eliminating multiple entries, we had 49 valid submissions. Of these, 45 got it all correct.
Here are the smart folks who got it correct
Top 15
Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai)
Ratna Rao (2nd, Mumbai)
Harini Mukundh (3rd, Bahrain)
Priya Sethu (Bahrain)
Aashwina (Mumbai)
LV (Madurai)
Gayathri (Bahrain)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Subash Seriyaana Poatti (Bagireen)
Debasmita Basu (Chennai)
Kalilur Rahman (Hyderabad)
Mona Sogal (Bangalore)
Priya Shyam (Bahrain)
OTHERS (All correct)
Sri Grandhi (UK) Anantha Kumar Rajamani (Sohar) Aparna Menon (Toronto) Maya Sharma (Bah) Madhup Tewari (Port Blair, India) Smita Rangesh Embar (United States) Manoj Sharma (Delhi NCR) (Welcome to ConX) Juhi, Geetha Ramaprasad, Seethala, Anu, Sudha Bhaskaran, Viveca Bhatkal, Supriya Narayanan, Shubha, Ashit Hegde, R Bhashyam iyengar, Mahesh Vishnu, Nandini Ganesh, Lakshmi, Supriya Mithal, Sid watwe, Arvind Ramaswamy, Aishwarya Kumar, Meera, Shaunak Shah, Maa Kasam Badla Loonga Aslam Bhai, Ramya, Priya B, Shatrujeet, Vijay Krishnan (Welcome to ConX),
The following lost one point each
Sridevi Praburajan (Missed the Bonus), Nilesh Parmar (Answered Ganga Jamuna Saraswathi:(), CR Naveen (Answered Naya Daur for Leader) and Nitin Deshpande (Answered Paigham for Madhumati) – (Welcome to ConX)
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new ConX puzzle next Wednesday at 2:30PM Bahrain