There are 4 Bollywood movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. They are connected by some common aspect relating to their Titles. Conx them

It was quite tough based on the feedback. We got 33 submissions and after eliminating multiple entries, we had only 24 valid submissions. Of these, 21 got it all correct.
Here are the smart folks who got it correct
Toppers ALL
Madhup Tewari (1st, Port Blair, India)
Priya Shyam (3rd, bahrain)
Priya Sethu (Bahrain)
Aashwina (Mumbai)
Ratna Rao (Mumbai)
Revolver Rita (Bahrain)
Anu (Bahrain)
Juhi Saklani (Delhi) – Incidentally her first answer came in 3 minutes ahead of all other answers and 9 minutes after posting.
Nilesh Parmar (Mumbai)
Aparna Menon (Toronto)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Ramki Krishnan (Chennai)
Zulfikar Ali (Toronto)
Ashit Hegde (Mumbai)
Mona Sogal (Seattle)
LV (Madurai)
Debasmita Basu (Chennai)
Revolver Ritavum Gun Fight Kanchanavum (Bagireen)
Sudha Bhaskaran (India)
Bash Ashok (Bangalore)
The following lost one or more points each on the Bonus Question
Hari kumar who answered “Ek tir 2 nishaane” for Clue 1
Sri Grandhi – who answered “God and gun” for Clue 2 and “I have no clue” for Clue 4 and
Sid watwe – who answered “Talvar” and “Ankhiyon se goli maare” for Clues 1 and 2
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new ConX puzzle next Wednesday at 2:30PM Bahrain