There are 4 Hindi movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. They are connected by some common aspect which is releated to the music / a particular song in each of these movies. Conx them

We got nearly under 30 submissions and after eliminating multiple entries, we had 24 valid submissions. Of these, 22 got it all correct.
Here are the smart folks who got it correct
Top 15
Venkatraghavan Sahasranaman (1st, MUMBAI)
Priya Shyam (2nd, bahrain)
Ratna Rao (3rd, Mumbai)
Gayathri (Bahrain)
Smita Rangesh Embar (United States)
Ramki Krishnan (Chennai)
Priya Sethuraman (Bahrain)
Debasmita Basu (Chennai)
Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)
Harini Mukundh (Bahrain)
Madhup Tewari (Port Blair, India)
Sudha Bhaskaran (Pune / India)
Aashwina (Mumbai)
LV (Madurai)
Siddharth Watwe (nj)
OTHERS (All correct)
Ashit Hegde, Mona Sogal, Supriya Mithal, Kalilur Rahman, Supriya Narayanan, Meera, Srinath,
The following lost one point each on the Bonus Question
Zulfikar Ali – who answered “Is copied version of a international song” and Bash Ashok who answered “All of these movies have theme songs”
Thanks to all of you who wished me on the milestone. It is quite surreal that we have been doing ConX puzzles for 25 weeks now – as the saying goes, “time flies when you are having fun”. Thanks for all your support and for cheering me along to make more puzzles than I ever imagined. Congrats to all who played and see you with a new ConX puzzle next Wednesday at 2:30PM Bahrain