There are 4 Hindi movies clued in these 4 pictorial clues. All the four movies have a common aspect connecting their titles. Conx them

We got over 40 valid submissions but only 30 after eliminating repeat submissions to fix one or more wrong answers. 23 of the final entries were all correct.
Here are the smart folk who got it correct
Top 15
Aashwina (1st, Mumbai)
Ramki Krishnan (2nd, Chennai)
Smita Rangesh Embar (3rd, United States)
Ratna Rao (Mumbai)
priya shyam (bahrain)
Bash Ashok (Bangalore)
Gayathri (Bahrain)
Anu (Bahrain)
Maya Sharma (Bahrain)
Nilesh Parmar (Mumbai)
Priya Sethuraman (Bahrain)
Manjunath Gawade (Bengaluru)
Harini Mukundh (Bahrain) and
Siddharth watwe (NJ)
Others who got it correct
Mona Sogal, Bhavani, Nandini Ganesh, Chaalees thirudan, Ravi Rajagopalan, Priya B, Supriya Narayanan and Pradeep Raghunathan
Everyone got “Do Aanken baarah haath” correct. Only one person missed out “Bees saal baad” and had entered “Love Aaj kal” instead. One person missed out on “Ek Tha Tiger” and had put “Ek Naari Ek Brahmachari” as the answer. Clue 1 had the most wrong answers which included Teen they bhai, Trimurti, Talwar and Teen talwar. Wrong answers for the theme included Crime / psychological thrillers.
The following missed out on 1 or more of the clues and/or the Bonus Qn
Hari kumar, Geetha Ramaprasad, LV, Bhargav, Sudha Bhaskaran, Zulfikar Ali and R Bhashyam iyengar
Congrats to all who played and see you with a new ConX puzzle next Wednesday at 2:30PM Bahrain