Crosswords from - Fifth Anniversary Issue

What use is a book of crosswords that you can't carry with you to solve when you are waiting in lines at the Doctor's office, travelling by tube or metro or on a flight?
What if you can not only solve, but peek at the answers you don't know and the explanations you don't get without having to hunt all over the book..
DO you like to solve your cryptic crosswords with 1. A Pen? or 2. A Pencil? How about if you can say.."ON the go, using your mobile / tablet / kindle / laptop..." No need to erase, overwrite or otherwise deface that pristine grid.. No need to strain your eyes to catch that hidden Easter egg that the devious setters have planted in your puzzle.. No need to complain about the low quality of the paper or print that makes it a nightmare to solve an already fiendish puzzle.
The answer to a cruciverbalist's wishlist of what ifs is here... Put together by a team of seasoned setters and solvers across the globe..we are proud to present a fully interactive book of crosswords that you can solve on your kindle or virtually any electronic device.
Press Coverage: Gulf Weekly - Cryptic on the move
Competition in Gulf Weekly- Manama Memoirs - The Solution Grid
Result of Manama Memoirs
Competition in 1ACross - 5th Anniversary Gridfest - Launch
5th Anniversary Gridfest - Results
If you love cryptic crosswords you will certainly love to have this book in your collection. It has 22 crosswords of varying difficulty. The crosswords have been set by members of the Facebook group and online blog and have many interesting aspects including various themes as well as secret messages ("NINAs") waiting to be discovered. Access to a fully interactive online version to solve each gird, Q&A with the setters and full solutions and annotations are included too.
Eddie Looby on (6th Oct. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
Great collection for cryptic crossword fansThis book is a lovely compendium of cryptic crosswords, by setters from all over the world. Members of the 1ACross Facebook group have come together to deliver this amazing set of crosswords. While there might be an Indianness to it, the setters come from the UK, US, Italy and various other places, that truly establishes the global credentials of the cryptic crossword. The book is not just a digest, like the Times Cryptics, but a labour of love with annotations and interactivity that would really touch the hearts of cryptic crossword aficionados.
So what are you waiting for? BUY IT NOW!!!
Viresh Ratnakar on (2nd October 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
From an international group of compilersThis is an excellent collection of cryptic crosswords from a diverse group of compilers, spread across the globe.
Highly absorbing and enteraining.
Manju on (30th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
Innovative cryptic crossword puzzlesThis book offers its readers several hours of cryptic crossword fun (is there any other kind?).
Many of the puzzles have interesting themes.
Disclaimer: One of the puzzles was set by me (but the book manages to overcome that setback effortlessly :-)).
Ramki Krishnan on Goodreads (24th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
One of the best book of Cryptic CrosswordsI highly recommend this book for variety of clues/grids it offers, and having the answers with annotations is an added bonus.
Sreeni on Goodreads (24th Sep. 2019) wrote:A treasure trove of interactive cryptic puzzles for the crossword buff. Apart from the high quality of the clues, each puzzle also offers additional challenges to the solver. Detailed explanations have been provided as well to help beginners. If you are a solver or setter of cryptic crosswords, or just curious to learn more, this collection will surely keep you engrossed for hours.
Satyen Nabar on (22nd Sep. 2019) wrote:This book is an excellent collection of cryptic crosswords with varying degrees of difficulty. There are some creative twists in some crosswords including many hidden Ninas . The facility to solve online through seamless process is a major plus point for this book.
This book is highly recommended for cryptic crossword solvers of all levels - beginners to advanced.
Kumaresh Ramakrishnan on Goodreads (22nd Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
SuperlativeAn absolute must for any lover of cryptic crosswords. Excellent setters providing delightful variety of clues. Strongly recommended!
Ajeesh on (18th Sep. 2019) wrote:Really good collection of puzzles of top quality, with the interactive form making it all the more exciting! Highly recommended for all crossword lovers
S.Sreenivasan on (17th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
ExcellentGreat collection of cryptic crosswords
Miss H on (17th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
A great buyThis book is a treasure for cryptic crossword lovers. The editors have put together grids offering great variety from setters from all over the world including many who set in dailies. A must have for all those who enjoy their daily dose of cryptics.
Bud on (16th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
A must-solve for any cryptic connoisseurA wonderful bedside companion for any seasoned solver or budding solver. The interactive features enable you to solve the puzzles in your own time, and the annotation notes provided with the solutions help you to analyse the structure of clues, making this an excellent teaching and learning resource. The puzzles are inventive and witty in their style, with lots of hidden gems to raise a smile. (I didn't intend that last sentence to rhyme. Oh well!) Buy it, anyway. Great fun!
SMithal on (16th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
Great puzzles. Clever easy-to-read interactive clues.As well as the outstanding puzzles themselves, this represents a major step forward by linking to the interactive puzzles in a manner that offers legible clues throughout. It deserves every kudo under the sun for offering a really interactive experience in a way that I suspect many others will follow.
Steve Townsend on (16th Sep. 2019) wrote:5 out of 5 stars
Wonderful CompilationA wonderful compilation of original cryptic crosswords from setters across the globe, some of these are very creative and innovative with varied themes.The most innovative thing about this ebook is that all the crosswords are interactive and can be solved without the need to print them,the answers as well as annotations are also available if needed.
5 out of 5 stars
Wonderful variety of puzzles - plus some insight into their creators....A wide range of puzzles - something for everyone - from extremely difficult to not-quite-so difficult - plus potted biographies of the puzzle setters. A wonderful challenge and a really interesting read....
A collectors’ treasure of excellently compiled cryptic puzzles. A gem to possess. Not a single dull moment in each of these puzzles, some of them even being cranium crackers. Value for money. You will not find such a treasure trove in one condensed book form . Go ahead and acquire it.
Thanks for your kind words Rajuji. Glad you enjoyed the book. If you have some time, do leave us a review in too.
I will, certainly !