
Stats: The puzzle page was loaded 342 times. 54 visitors had a go at it.  44 solvers completed both the puzzle and bonus form. The remaining solved it partly. 31 solvers got the full score.

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Here is the solution grid:


Q1: What is the theme as indicated by the title?
ANS: Best Picture Oscar winners
Q2-17: 1 to 16 of 16 “best” entries
ANS: Going My Way, Casablanca, Rebecca, Rain Man, Argo, Rocky, Gigi, Grand Hotel, Coda, My Fair Lady, Hamlet, Wings, Cavalcade, The Artist, Oliver, Crash


Ref. Clue Solution Annotation
6A Gong Yi and Amy Winehouse’s first animated musical (5, 2, 3) GOING MY WAY GONG YI AMY W*
8A Mischievous piece of witchcraft’s about (4) ARCH Hidden in reverse (definition: mischievous)
10A Taxi crosses a small canal off port city (10) CASABLANCA C(AS)AB + CANAL*
11A See 23A
12A All-male feature infinitely boring in the end (4) STAG STA(–r)  + G (feature = star)
14A Old Maldivian president or new American schoolmaster? (5) NASIR N A SIR
15A A little tipsy, the Phantom’s creator fails to start lecture (4) TALK T + (–f)ALK
16A Hitchcock film about bishop stealing money from holy city (7) REBECCA RE + B stealing M in MECCA
17A Millions entertained by exotic Narnia movie with Tom Cruise (4, 3) RAIN MAN M in NARNIA*
19A Run after a river vessel hunting for gold (4) ARGO GO after A R
21A Unsteady start to career in New York (5) ROCKY C in YORK*
23A & 11A Horror film ‘The Evil Eye’ moves out of Globe Theatre finally (4, 4) THEY LIVE THEEVILEYE* – EE
24A Musical going oddly insipid in the middle (4) GIGI G_I_G + ___I___
25A Glad Theron remade Garbo’s classic (5, 5) GRAND HOTEL GLAD THERON*
28A Amnesty evidently has a complaint (4) STYE Hidden in plain sight
29A One in pain and not one sound? That’s possible (10) ACHIEVABLE ACH(I)E + V(–i)ABLE
1D Taking student out, chill with a piece of music (4) CODA CO(–l)D + A
2D Involve gentleman in action after sending maiden away (8) ENTANGLE GENTLEMAN* – M
3D Zatopek perhaps cycling some distance (4) EMIL Cycling MILE
4D Friday may finally signal changes for old Indian cosmetics brand (2, 4, 4) MY FAIR LADY FRIDAY MAY (___L___)*
5D Shakespearean character, not a male, wearing a fedora perhaps? (6) HAMLET M(–a)LE in HAT
7D Flies triumph against depleted gnats (5) WINGS WIN + G(___)S
9D Train actor Kilmer takes initially stuck in rush (9) CAVALCADE VAL takes S in CASCADE (rush)
13D Charlie avoids fancy theatrics with tense silent film (3, 6) THE ARTIST THEATRICS* – C + T
14D Iguana fights with an exhausted cougar from somewhere in the Americas (10) NICARAGUAN IGUANA AN C(____)R*
18D Visionary article overwhelms old citizen (8) NATIONAL A overwhelms O in NOTIONAL (visionary)
20D School I’ve recommended accommodates Dickens’s child (6) OLIVER Hidden in plain sight
22D Notes about Hitler’s ultimate downfall (5) CRASH C(R)ASH
26D Tip from umpire in key contest? (4) DUEL D(U)EL
27D International magazine’s articles in two languages (4) ELLE EL + LE

Here’s the list of Top Scorers (For the full list, please check the Leaderboard in the Hall of Fame)

Out of 44 solvers, 31 got the full score. Each of the following scored 157 points (Grid Score – 140, Bonus – 17).

Al Sanders
Anantakrishnan N.
Arun Hiregange
Arvind Ramaswamy
Ashit Hegde
Debasmita Basu
Deepak Gopinath (Col.)
Harish Kamath
Ian VanderSchee
Lakshmi Prakash
Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
Madhup Tewari
Max Jackson
Melissa McSeismal
Mona Sogal
Nagendra Prasad R.
Narayana Swamy D
Narayanan R
Nilesh Parmar
Prakash Arumugam
Priya Shyam
Ramki Krishnan
Ratna Rao
Rengaswamy N.
Samit Kallianpur
Steve Gunter
Supriya Mithal
Tulika Das
Veena Venkataraman
Venkatesan P.
Venkatraghavan S

Congrats to the toppers and to all the solvers who participated.

Grid Rating: The puzzle got an excellent rating of 8.68. It got 12 perfect 10s (27% of those who rated). The lowest rating was 5.

Favorite Clues:  The Top clues were

      1. Hitchcock film about bishop stealing money from holy city (7)<) – 17 votes
      2. Unsteady start to career in New York (5) – 16 votes
      3. Taxi crosses a small canal off port city (10) – 13 votes

Another feast for movie buffs from Aquifer. He makes getting 16 themed entries into a grid seem effortless and he does it every time. Lovely clues, each painstakingly crafted over several days and true to the theme. Great work Aquifer. Keep ’em coming. Learnt about many of these movies, after solving the grid.

Here’s what our solvers said..

Name Comments / Feedback on the puzzle 
Debasmita Basu Fitting in 16 theme words isn’t easy. But Aquifer does it over and over again with ease. Searching for 16 theme words was fun. Enjoyed solving.
Ian VanderSchee Nice challenging clues! A pleasant solve on a Sunday morning.
Jyothish Balakrishnan An artistic creation of the topmost calibre.
Lakshmi Prakash Really enjoyable grid and theme
Mona Sogal Absolutely amazing grid fill- I have said it before, always wonder-struck as to how many theme words get into the puzzle! Loved it!
Mukundala Balasubramanyam Entertaining grid!
Rathnakumar V Stupendous thematic Grid, certainly deserves an Award
Satyavrat Bondre Loved the puzzle!
Veena Venkataraman A very interesting and entertaining puzzle. Lovely smooth clues
Veera Raghavan Excellent grid. Real feat accommodating so many movies in one grid. Nice clues, favourite being 29A
Al Sanders Fun theme, lots of theme content
Anantakrishnan N. Lovely theme, great clues
Ashit Hegde To manage to fit so many Oscar winning movies and to provide so many great clues for them, tremendous effort. Real fun grid.
Lakshmi Vaidyanathan Nice puzzle with lot of theme words.
Madhup Tewari Very enjoyable puzzle with beautiful clues.
Nagendra Prasad R. MANY LOVELY CLUES
Sandhya Paruchuri Neat clues!
Sparsh Sinha Lovely theme and clues
Venkatesan P. Nice Grid. All the best!
Venkatraghavan S As always, love Aquifer puzzles and his ability to gridfill with the thematic elements.
Arun Hiregange Being a movie buff, loved the theme! :)Also loved the clue which used the fact that Iguana comes within the letters for Nicaragua. Quite amazing.
Arvind Ramaswamy Lovely themed grid. Had great fun solving! Thanks Aquifer
Harish Kamath Good grid. Interesting theme. Had to lookup many of the titles to confirm.
Narayanan R easy and interesting grid
Prakash Arumugam Very entertaining puzzle. Amazing feat by the setter to get so many Oscar-winning movies fit within a grid
Priya Shyam Entertaining grid!! Loved the theme
Ramesh Swaminathan Fabulous to set a grid with so many lovely theme entries and top it with bonus questions. Lovely recall of some great movies. Hats off to the setter.
Ramki Krishnan Very nice themed puzzle. Good clues with smooth surfaces. Could add a few more movies to my watch-list!
Samit Kallianpur Nice grid with a good theme and some smooth clues!
Steve Gunter 16 theme answers is outstanding! Thank you for an easy puzzle.
Koteswar Rao GOOD
Max Jackson Theme soon became clear, but I learnt of a number of films I hadn’t known.3dn could equally be MILE.
Narayana Swamy D Nice construction of grid with Oscar winners for best picture
Raja Venkatasubramanian Slightly easier

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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