
Stats The puzzle page was loaded  424 times. 99 visitors had a go at it and 46 solvers managed to complete and submit.  Of those who submitted, 25 managed to get the maximum possible score of 165.

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Time A Dozen<<< Click Here for the Puzzle Post

Here is the solution grid:


  1. Correlating the title and answers , identify the theme (6) ANS: MONTHS
  2. Identify any 5 of TEN themed entries: ANS: – The ten themed words had the first three letters of months in them. JANITOR, FEBRILE, SMART, APRON, MAYO, JUNGLE, JULEP, SLAUGHTER, HORSEPLAY, OCTET


1 Queasy? Swig coke at regular intervals (4) SICK SwIg CoKe
3 Town official’s not finished dressing (4) MAYO MAYO(-r)
6 Acute pain (5) SMART DD
10 Sour tacos served up for the game (9) AUTOCROSS (Sour tacos)*
11 Weapon from gunnery essentially for protection (5) APRON weAPon fROm gunNery
12 Girl’s expertise includes Gents clothing (7) GARMENT G AR(MEN)T
13 Jade in a turquoise casing ,deposited by individual in front  (7) SATIATE SAT I (in front)  A T(urquois)E
14 Season some watermelons (4) TERM waTERMelons
16 Unknown initiate replaces individual in song medley (6) JUNGLE JINGLE – I + U(nknown)
18 Most miserable place?on the contrary, it’s beautiful (3) LEH HEL(l) <<
21 Former President’s case dismissed?that’s suspect(3) RUM tRUMp
22 Guard’s diffident about working with Vice- President at first (6) CONVOY C(ON V)OY
23 Commercial artist retires this month (4) ADAR AD AR<<
25 Caretaker Jack’s article on bread’s getting reviewed(7) JANITOR J AN ITOR<<
27 Iron residue mainly found in digestive fluid causes burning(7) FEBRILE FE B( R) ILE
29 Ray Charles avoids Switzerland ,curiously (5) LASER ch ARLES*
30 Lost interest in a plain suit designed for important missionary (5,4) SAINT PAUL (A PLAIN SUIT -I)*
31 Study in silence, say (5) PIECE hp peace
32 This place is really popular to spend time (4) SOHO SO HOt
33 Demand blood report , evidently typed in seconds(4) LEVY Second letters of words
1 Earl’s thug goes berserk, causing bloodshed (9) SLAUGHTER (Earls thug)*
2 Outfit in box moved right to the end (5) CATER CRATE ,R -> cater
4 Order given in March?(5-4) ABOUT-TURN CD
5 Love, just the same, can be a haven(5) OASIS O AS IS
6 Dog guards a duck and a weasel(3 ,5) SEA OTTER SE( A O)TTER
7 Sent by plane,the Reverend’s animal was in distress (9) AIRMAILED Spoonerism mare ailed
8 Bit of pain when wife leaves(5) TINGE T(-w)INGE
9 Group therapy expected to cure OCD – beginners taken up!(5) OCTET Reverse Acrostic
15 Recall organized crime to  cover up misdeed at base (9) REMINISCE REMI(NIS<<)C* E
17 On vacation, persuaded husband to eat boiled food.Excellent- that shows sincerity (4,5) GOOD FAITH G{( OODF)* AI}T H
19 In the beginning, Hamlet or Macbeth perhaps, showcase extremely suggestive buffoonery (9) HORSEPLAY H OR (SE) PLAY
20 Cots without a scratch(4-4) SCOT–FREE RA Cots
24 Pacify a graduate, extremely tense (5) ABATE A BA TE
25 Drink juice (no ice)with a dash of liquor, enjoy prawn starters(5) JULEP JU(-ice) L E P
26 Removing cover,checks for hazards(5) RISKS (-f)RISKS
28 Setter’s  time for reflection (5) IMAGE IM AGE


Participant(s) Name Total Grid Score Bonus
Aashwina 165 158 7
Al Sanders 165 158 7
Ashit Hegde 165 158 7
Bhalchandra Pasupathy 165 158 7
Dave Williams 165 158 7
Deepak Gopinath 165 158 7
Ganesh Nayak 165 158 7
Irwin Appel 165 158 7
Lakshmi Prakash 165 158 7
Lakshmi Vaidyanathan 165 158 7
Madhusudan H 165 158 7
Mona Sogal 165 158 7
Prakash Arumugam 165 158 7
Ramesh Swaminathan 165 158 7
Ramki Krishnan 165 158 7
Ratna Rao 165 158 7
RATNAKUMAR V 165 158 7
samit kallianpur 165 158 7
santha 165 158 7
Shashwat 165 158 7
Tejas Siddharth 165 158 7
Venkatraghavan S 165 158 7
Krishnan Anantheswaran 164 157 7
Max Jackson 164 157 7
Priya Shyam 164 157 7
Dr S Venkatesh 163 156 7
Ian VanderSchee 163 156 7
Jyothish Balakrishnan 163 156 7
Madhup Tewari 163 156 7
NARAYANAN R 163 158 5
Veera Raghavan 161 158 3
VENKATESAN P. 161 158 3
Kabir Firaque 160 158 2
Avtaar 159 158 1
Hawk 158 158 0
Himanshu Rajurkar 158 157 1
N Rengaswamy 158 158 0
Sparsh Sinha 158 157 1
Sree Sree 158 158 0
Usha Ramesh 158 158 0
Ranjani Srikanth 157 157 0
Gaurav 156 156 0
Sreelakshmi 154 148 6

Congrats to the 25 solvers who maxed the score and to every one who participated. 

Grid Rating: The puzzle got a good score of 8.4. It got 11 perfect 10s (25% of those who rated). The lowest score was 6.

Favorite Clues:  The Top 3 clues were

  1. Ray Charles avoids Switzerland ,curiously (5) – 10 votes
  2. Former President’s case dismissed?that’s suspect (3) – 9 votes
  3. Most miserable place?on the contrary, it’s beautiful (3) – 8 votes

Thanks Mythical for a fun theme and an entertaining grid that was a pleasure to solve.

Here is what our solvers said…

Comments / Feedback on the puzzle
Very Smooth, nothing too obscure, liked the theme but odd that there were only 10 themers given the title
Excellent Grid
Nice one
Smooth grid, theme, clues. 10/10
Lovely puzzle, neatly hidden theme!
Excellent puzzle. For me, challenging but ultimately doable. (not sure all answers are correct)
Enjoyable crossie. Misspelt REMINISCE.
Beautiful arrangement of first ten theme words
Could not parse the title satisfactorily. Enjoyed the puzzle.
Great grid but could not get the theme
Nice innovative grid
Excellent. Very precise clue surfaces and a well hidden bonus
Thoroughly enjoyable puzzle with many smooth clues! Difficult to choose only 3 favourites. Took a bit of “time” to spot the theme but the “dozen” helped 🙂 Nicely hidden in the answers.
Lovely clues, mostly great surfaces. Was a breeze, but a pleasure nevertheless
Nice puzzle. Excellent clues
The clues are interesting and some of them challenging, but the theme is difficult to get
Nice puzzle and was happy to see elements in wordplay and definitions that contrasted well from surface meaning. Good workout. In the bonus questions it is incorrect to say (as has also happened in other puzzles) ‘entries’ for part entries or sections from overlapping entries. I’m generally fine with cryptic references to make it interesting, but ‘entry’ has a specific meaning in crosswords and as such this makes it more misleading/confusing, than misdirecting, to try and interpret it otherwise
Fun theme, though got it with A Little Help From Friends 🙂
Nice theme and good puzzle, enjoyed solving it.
Smooth and fair… cute theme
Delightful clues with an interestingly disguised theme
Nice grid! Smooth surfaces..very enjoyable!
Entertaining. .Word play for IMAGE could have been better.
Fun grid. Liked the theme
Nice theme. Some very entertaining clues.
Nice puzzle. Very nice clues.
Nice breezy puzzle. Not sure I got the theme. Cryptic grammar eg 25A could have been better.
Nice clues! Enjoyed solving the grid.
From the perspective of a big novice – a fairly simple, straightforward and friendly puzzle! Most of the surfaces also seem to work quite well. I don’t know if I’m nitpicking – but the punctuations in the clue can be just a touch more refined (word, comma, then space). Thank you – this made me feel like I have the capacity to come close to finishing a crossword and the theme was good too!
Nice themed.took some time to get it.
Mixed bag of clues.
Fantastic themed grid. Enjoyable
I couldn’t understand 7dn, but air-mailed seemed the only thing to fit, which didn’t help with the totally incomprehensible 18ac.It took some time to see the theme.
Some nice challenging clues – thank you!
Some decidedly iffy definitions; shame about the punctuation/spacing problems in the clues. Nice theme idea though
Enjoyed it.

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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