
Stats – We had 28 solvers completing and submitting the grid. Of those who submitted 20 managed to get the maximum possible score of 158 on the Grid but only 14 maxed the score including the Bonus.

Click Here for the Puzzle Post

Bonus Questions: 1. What is the theme? Clue: Union Survivors to accept new software (7)
2. Identify 5 themed entries

The Grid contained five “themed” entries. Solving the clue yielded the theme which was “Windows” – Union survivors is a cryptic definition for WIDOWS. N is New and “To accept” represents insertion of N in WIDOWS.

The five themed entries were Stained glass, Oriel, Casement, Hopper and Awning

Here is the solution grid:


Across Answer Explanation
1 Stick around, like an architectural feature (8) casement C(AS)EMENT
5 Buyer abandons second American artist (6) Hopper (-s)HOPPER
9 German rock legend Garland (7) lorelei  LORE LEI
10 Handled kitchenware fixed to keep waste? (7) skillet  S(KILL)ET
11 Full of examples (5) ample Hidden
12 Service provided by back rows (9) helplines HELP LINES
13 Perhaps I may play a supporting role (6,6) second fiddle Second letter of Fiddle = I
16 Where you come to in a hospital? (8,4) recovery room CD
20 Fashion is tedious and provocative (9) seditious ISTEDIOUS*
23/22 Art created for Church instead destroyed girls (7,5) stained glass INSTEAD* G LASS
24 Individuals primarily globe-trotting hide new low (7) ignoble I G(N)OBLE
25 Protection from the elements at sunrise? Not at first (6) awning (-d)AWNING
26 Say girl caught fantasy date lost in drink (3,5) egg cream EG G C (-d)REAM.
Down Answer Explanation
1 Nick, pass note and run (6) collar COL LA R
2 Fluids, exercise and something to keep warm (6) serape SERA PE
3 New setting for fiction writer (7) moliere MO(LIE)RE
4 District hub, region, potentially get cover (13) neighbourhood NEIGHBOUR* HOOD
6 Material from Loire College (5) oriel  ORIEL*
7 Retraction in friend’s current growth (8) palinode PAL I NODE
8 Put in, put off, turned up, checked again (8) retested DER(SET)ER<<
10 Tell tales about a boy on deck, it may add spice (5,8) salad dressing  S (A LAD) DRESS ING
14 Perhaps, the drink from Rishi’s travels to England and Austria (5,3) Irish Sea IRISH S* E A
15 Air-conditioning exhaust controls one outcome of pollution (4,4) Acid Rain AC (I) DRAIN
17 Love and caring can be natural (7) organic O RGANIC*
18 Insult that’s a term for a pretty, shallow, woman (6) barbie BARB IE
19 Fulfils ultimately profitable returns for value (6) esteem E STEEM<
21 Tighten one’s belt for projection (5) tenon. Hidden


Opening Salvo – Scorecard
S.No. Name Grid Score Total Score
1 Anicha Reuban 158 165
2 Anirudh Sahni 158 165
3 Bhalchandra Pasupathy 158 165
4 Dave Williams 158 165
5 Keith Williams 158 165
6 Lakshmi Prakash 158 165
7 Max Jackson 158 165
8 Mona Sogal 158 165
9 Narayanan R 158 165
10 Prakash Arumugam 158 165
11 Sandhya Paruchuri 158 165
12 Sree Sree 158 165
13 Tejas Siddharth 158 165
14 Venkatraghavan S. 158 165
15 Dean 158 164
16 Dr S Venkatesh 158 164
17 Nagendra Prasad R. 157 164
18 Nick Loader 158 164
19 Debasmita Basu 156 163
20 Venkatesan P. 158 163
21 Lakshmi Vaidyanathan 155 162
22 Madhusudan Hanumantha Rao 155 162
23 Raghavan S V 155 162
24 Himanshu Rajurkar 158 159
25 Ramki Krishnan 158 159
26 Nilesh Parmar 150 150
27 Ian Vanderschee 138 145
28 Sohil 131 136

Congrats to the solvers who maxed the score and to every one who participated. Very well tried.

Grid Rating: The puzzle got a good score of 8.46. It got 7 perfect 10s – i.e 25% of  those who submitted thought it was perfect. The minimum score was 5.

Top 3 Clues:  The most favorited clues were those for “Second Fiddle” (8 votes), Lorelei (7 votes) and Stained Glass and Retested (6 votes each).  25 clues in the grid got atleast 1 vote each.

Thanks for the interesting theme and puzzle Sideswipe  Fabulous attempt for someone who is only on the second grid. Glad that you could take some time out from your busy shooting schedule for some cereberal entertainment. Looking forward to more puzzles from you at the blog.

Comments on the Puzzle

  1. Very clever set of clues with an interesting theme. Learnt about different kinds of windows.
  3. Tough time getting started, but then flew through it. Still unsure of top right corner.
  4. Very interesting grid
  5. Thank goodness the internet had heard of HOPPER Windows (although WINDOW-SHOPPER, will probably be justified by some, fortunately, we don’t have t show our workings)! Nice puzzle, somewhat spoilt by the ugly triple unchecked letters in the middle section and the slightly obscure endgame, but fun overall.
  6. Learned quite a few new words: casement, skillet, oriel, serape, palinode, and perhaps more. 9A was a pleasantly deceptive clue, and 26A had me looking around for all kinds of cream.
    However, I’m not sure if five words constitute a theme. The theme hint (windows) was an entertainingly cheeky clue though.
    And I guess I find the CD for SECOND FIDDLE slightly vague and iffy.
    Otherwise a gripping puzzle!”
  7. Nice grid. Don’t think I have anything constructive to add
  8. Interesting, though no apparent connection or tribute to Gridman apart from referencing him in one clue. Overall enjoyable puzzle, but can’t see why we persist with triple unching (especially a bit annoying when it comes in a CD type clue with no wordplay) – why not some basic QC before publishing a puzzle? That said, there were several nicely worded clues
  9. Refreshing
  10. a couple of anagrinds were iffy/ could not understand Lorelie surface… barbie was a bit offensive
  11. Some very nice clues. Tricky, but ultimately fair, and able to be parsed. I had trouble picking just 3 to be my favourites! I was stumped on 7D (an unfamiliar word, and I couldn’t truly build it from the word play) and how 3D works (double meaning?)
  12. Unable to anno few clues.
  13. Fine; though I spent too long trying to find some significance in the capital ‘s’ on ‘survivors’ in the theme clue!
  14. On the easier side with few teasers
  15. Nice puzzle. Some obscure window types I found at wikipedia.
  16. Excellent grid. Challenging clues.
  17. SUPER
  18. Didn’t enjoy this much somehow. Couldn’t figure out how some clues worked (and the entire NW corner eluded me). Even the ones that worked felt a bit too forced for an enjoyable solve.
  19. Great puzzle
  20. Lovely clues! IT was very difficult to pick just three.
  21. Nice construction of clues. Enjoyed solving.
  22. Nice puzzle overall. Some clues were really good, a few don’t feel right to me. Took me a while to figure out the theme. ‘Union Survivors’ for widows feels like a bit of a stretch. In 12A, shouldn’t it be ‘services’? In 6D, I am not sure what the intended anagrind is.
  23. Toughie!
  24. Good
  25. Interesting – didn’t have time to complete
  26. I thought the puzzle was very good. I don’t see ‘at sunrise’ as synonymous with ‘dawning’ and being picky but I don’t think ‘is belt for’ is a telescopic indicator, belting or belts I would accept as liberal but ‘is belt for’ is too far I think. The theme felt like a bit of a stretch – if I chose the correct words, ‘awning’ is not really directly related to windows and ‘helplines’ is also a tenuous link. I’m all for disguising theme entries but, like cryptic clues, I think if you look from the right perspective they should become clear (such as the ingenius oriel). Anyway, just my $1/L 🙂
  27. Excellent, elegant clues, nothing too obvious, some quite hard. Uncommon words made the theme a challenge to find. Nice tribute to Gridman in 14d.
  28. Puzzle was fairly easy but gave up on the theme, ran out of time!

Note:  Results section of the post originally showed only the Grid score. Has been since amended to include the total score.

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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