

Post Update: Sorry for the delay in putting up the voting form. Was originally hoping for a few more responses and then it somehow slipped from focus. We have 12 clues to choose from. Please vote for the clues that you like and help us choose the Top 3 clues in this list. You have time to vote till Saturday, 16th November. Results and names of the setters of the Top 3 clues will be announced on Sunday 17th November.

Thanks to all those who participated in setting clues for “CARTOONS” and voting in “Can you SET a clue -1”.

We received a total of 22 clues from Krittibas Dasgupta (1), Ramesh Swaminathan (5),Raja Venkatasubramanian (1), Raju Umamaheswar (1), Raghavan SV (1), Avtaar (1), Padmanabhan P B (1), Ranjani Srikanth (1), Jawahar Surti (1), Crypt Ella (1), Neelima Rai (1), Mohan Subramaniam (2), Max Jackson (1), Anantakrishnan N. (2), Sureshkumar A S (1) and Cdr. R Ganapathi (1).

We received 28 votes in the poll and here are the clues that got the top 3 votes

In 3rd place with 3 votes is Actors on Comic Strips (8) by Crypt Ella

In 2nd place with 4 votes is Boxes with nothing inside but strips(8) by Krittibas Dasgupta and

In 1st place with 5 votes is Animated films where, essentially, Jerry after being trapped by Tom, soon breaks free (8) by Anantakrishnan N. Here are the full results.

Congrats Crypt Ella, Krittibas and Anantakrishnan.

This week’s challenge.. Can you set a clue for “EARTH”. This had been clued in the grid “A Sordid Story” by our setter “The Oracle” (aka Kishore Rao or “Incognito” for The Hindu Crossword solvers) as below. Can you SET a clue for “EARTH”? If you can, leave your clue(s) as comments in the blog. If you wish to know more about our book, please check out https://www.1across.org/book/cc2/ or BUY IT NOW at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XVRYYXT

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

16 thoughts on “Can you SET a Clue – 2?”
  1. Soil inside, clear thali
    Def – soil, inside – hidden word indicator, clEAR THali , thali is plate for servicing food in India.

  2. Turn your heart out for this Planet ! Anagram of heart ,with turn being the indicator.

  3. Scarcity without initial ground (5)
    Scarcity = dearth. Without initial (D) is EARTH – grounf

  4. Money hasn’t begun to change hands for land (5)
    Money = wealth (-w)ear(-l+r)th

    1. I should’ve closed it yesterday but got caught up a bit with a crossword workshop I conducted today. Will close tomorrow and put up for voting. Till then you are free to send a clue.

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