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Post Update: We had a superb response to our challenge and have 22 clues to choose from. Please vote for the clues that you like and help us choose the Top 3 clues in this list. You have time to vote till Thursday, 24th October. Results and names of the setters of the Top 3 clues will be announced on Friday 25th October.

Following our immensely popular “Can you solve this clue” series, we bring you a new contest..

We are going to post some of the same teasers. However, this time, the tables are turned and we want to know, if you were the setter, how would you have clued this?

So, this week, put on your thinking hats and send us your best clues for “CARTOONS”

Clues should be standard cryptic clues. No limit on the number of clues per person. To be considered for the contest, clues must be entered as comments in this post. The best clue(s) selected will be showcased in our blog post and in social media. This week’s contest closes on Monday, 21st October 2019.

Do like our Facebook page so that we can tag you in the list of winners. If you are on Twitter – you can follow these posts on @somsram

Can you set a clue? If the answer is “YES”, leave a comment with your clue in the blog. If you wish to know more about our book, please check out https://www.1across.org/book/cc2/ or BUY IT NOW at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XVRYYXT

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

31 thoughts on “Can you SET a Clue – 1”
      1. My first ever attempt at setting a clue. Hope it satisfies the requirements 🙂
        Vehicle besides points revealing strips

  1. About art also without thinking ? Nonsense with these caricatures ! CA ( about) AR (-t) also =too + NS from nonsense. Caricatures= cartoons.

    Croons include a couple audibly for these rib ticklers ! Croons + a too (two)

  2. Caricatures of boxes having nothing inside (8)
    Anno: Cartons about o

    Playing Racoons to start animations (8)
    Anno: (Racoons t)*. Anind: Playing

  3. Oops – Please use this

    Comical representation of characters on tabloids and newspaper strips, primarily (8)

    Anagram &lit

  4. Funny drawings of actors on liquid (8)

    Liquid as anagrind and ‘actors on’ as fodder

  5. Lampoons headless thugs’ wagon first (8)
    Lampoons – def; (G)OONS ; Wagon – CART

  6. Laxman’s labour of love – Cars are real tools of one-night stands, to begin with.

  7. Not sure, what happened. I had posted a clue and had seen it here but can’t seem to see it now. Wonder if it is an issue with logging in from different devices. Anyway, will post a modified version of the clue again.

    Animated films where, essentially, Jerry after being trapped by Tom, soon breaks free (8)

    1. All comments with clues will be published once the contest closes. Your clue have been received 👍

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