
Stats -We had a good response for “Putting Two and Two Together” and received 33 submissions, 2 less than last time, but still a good number. Of those who submitted, 19 got the full grid score of 35, of which, 11 got the maximum possible score of 39. Here’s the Solution grid.

The solvers had to answer the following questions after solving the grid:

(1) What is the famous title seen in the puzzle?
(2) What are the “six interesting features of the title, including some leading characters”?

The correct answers are

(1) The black squares in the central area can be seen to form the number “22.” Together with 18a (CATCH), they form the novel title, CATCH-22. These have been highlighted in “red” in the image above.
(2) HELLER (author) and PIANOSA (primary setting) (both ninas, highlighted in yellow above)
YOSSARIAN, MINDERBINDER, CATHCART, NATELY: Acrostically listed (“leading characters”) in the clues.

Here are the Annotations:


1. Yesterday’s lover’s tie? (9) – STALEMATE: STALE MATE. Def: Tie.
6. Openers of Australian side have easily secured trophy (5) – ASHES: A(-ustralian) S(-ide) H(-ave) E(-asily) S(-ecured). Def: trophy.
9. Small talk: lies tipsy pirates tell (7) – PRATTLE: Composite Anagram: PRATTLE LIES = PIRATES TELL*. Def: Small talk.
10. Shot hit gutted steel production plant (7) – THISTLE: HIT* ST(-e)EL*. Def: plant.
11. Appetite of hungry Englishman (3) – YEN: (-hungr)Y EN(-glishman). Def: Appetite.
12. Retreating felt somehow a bit restraining; led formation to get to conflict zone – BATTLEFIELD: ABIT* around FELT<<, LED*. Def: conflict zone.
15. Imprison and tie perhaps – DETAIN: ANDTIE*. Def: Imprison.
16. A gas of unknown extraterrestrial origin – XE: X E(-xtraterrestrial). Def: A gas.
17. Newly laid tar has scratched old vehicle – RATHA: (TAR HA(-s))*. Def: old vehicle.
18. Make out, rub – CATCH: DD. Def: Make out. Def: rub.
20. It’s a current capital – DC: DD. Def: It’s a current. Def: capital.
21. Needle is clean? Unfortunately not at the tip – LANCET: CLEAN* (-no)T. Def: Needle.
23. Don’t blur the set line between heaven and earth – THUNDERBOLT: DONTBLURTHE*. Def: line between heaven and earth.
26. Englishwomen apparently protect the rest (3) – NAP: (-englishwome)N AP(-parently). Def: rest.
28. Ridicule a therapist’s clothes; hide (7) – LEATHER: (-ridicu)LE A THER(-apist’s). Def: hide.
30. Be an adolescent consuming a bit of weed and connecting (7) – BETWEEN: BE T(W(-eed))EEN. Def: connecting.
31. Interference in elections—set client lost (5) – NOISE: INELECTIONS* -client. Def: Interference.
32. Negative initial response in letter written by friend (3,6) – NOT REALLY: R in NOTE, ALLY. Def: Negative.


1. Declare overwhelming paneer pakora starters to be gooey (5) – SAPPY: SAY around P(-aneer) P(-akora). Def: gooey.
2. Extra-last drinks going around a bar counter (7) – AGAINST: (-extr)A, GINS around A, T (bar). Def: counter.
3. Renowned online firm accepts his retyped password finally – ESTABLISHED: E (online), STABLE (firm) around HIS*, (-passwor)D. Def: Renowned.
4. CIA employee is a refined man – AGENT: A GENT. Def: CIA Employee.
5. Acclaim of former tax scheme, we hear – EXTOL: EX TOLL homophone. Def: Acclaim.
6. Tuna: a fish regularly cooked (3) – AHI: A (-f)I(-s)H*. Def: Tuna.
7. Horrible position—to have to follow horrible host (3,4) – HOT SEAT : EAT (to have) after HOST*. Def: Horrible position.
8. Constant trailing terms that simple algebra disposed of (formula was correct!) (9) – STEADFAST: (-term)S (-tha)T (-simpl)E (-algebr)A (-eliminate)D (-i)F (-formul)A (-wa)S (-correc)T. Def: Constant.
13. A charging vehicle – TAXICAB: Cryptic definition.
14. Revolting a little from Lady or Gentleman, perhaps? (two words) – FORMAL TITLE: ALITTLEFROM*. Def: Lady or Gentleman, perhaps.
15. Tuck and clothe for contest – DECATHLON: ANDCLOTHE*. Def: contest.
19. Nuts, bananas, and hints of almond milk in a big splash of water (7) – TSUNAMI: NUTS* A(-lmond) M(-ilk) I(-n). Def: a big splash of water.
22. Avoid disclosing tragic ending after a novel’s conclusion (7) – CONCEAL: (-tragi)C, ONCE (after), A (-nove)L. Def: Avoid disclosing.
24. To show one more time, permeating clearer understanding – RERUN: (-clea)RER UN(-derstanding). Def: To show one more time.
25. Extent of graft I brought up – ORBIT: (-graf)T I BRO(-ught)<<. Def: Extent.
27. Like the writing in Asterix—amusing, but quietly instead of loudly (5) – PUNNY: (-f+P)UNNY. Def: Like the writing in Asterix.
29. You, when hugged by that man, turn pink, perhaps (3) – HUE: U in HE. Def: pink, perhaps.

The first entry was submitted by Ramki Krishnan and it was also the first all-correct entry. The last all-correct entry was received from Venkatraghavan S.

Congrats to the 11 awesome people who managed to max the score.

Here is the scorecard (sorted by total and then in Alphabetical order)

We requested solvers to rate the puzzle on a scale of 1 (Lowest) to 10 (Highest). The puzzle got a  fabulous score of 9.0 and got 13 perfect 10s (a new record!).

The puzzle got a number of rave reviews from the solvers and it was amazing how Gussalufz had incorporated a black NINA, two Ninas and a Clue Acrostic all woven into the theme. The title was such a give away but it took solvers considerable effort before the penny dropped:) Hope you enjoyed this interesting challenge as much as we did. Thanks Gussalufz and we look forward to more puzzles from you.

Did you like the puzzle? Do you have any feedback for us or for the setter. Do comment in the blog and let us know.

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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