
Here is a list of words that have been featured in the 1ACross clue writing contests, the winners of our clue writing contests and their winning clues..



1ACCWC – Hall of Fame

S.NOWordWinnerWinning Clue
510PINOCCHIOVMA NairPuppet president beginning to impose limit to immigration at chaotic borders controlled by US state (9)
509TAVERNSowmya RamkumarLocal travel mostly arranged before noon (6)
508BUDGETCrypticblahCheap bigmouthed drunk? Not IMHO (6)
507MARRIAGERamki KrishnanCoach about to leave for Manchester’s first match (8)
506ANECDOTESowmya RamkumarCast enacted absorbing love story (8)
505ADORATIONTextrousLove to do a rain dance (9)
504CONFETTISitterIt often gets thrown by entrance to church (8)
503COMPETITIONTextrousPrepared topic on time for event (11)
502MANIFESTSatyen NabarMafia sent criminal to kill associate? That’s obvious (8)
501VERANDAN AnantakrishnanPorch essentially covered with awning at the top (7)
500MILESTONETextrousDoctor lies to me about new breakthrough (9)
499CONCERTRamki KrishnanShow plan where President is Republican (7)
498RIBBONSatyen NabarIntroduction to Batman and Robin comic strip (6)
497ADVENTUREKalyan BandyopadhyayExperience or endure a TV broadcast (9)
496MATRIXN AnantakrishnanRevolutionary Marxist state's leader is off grid (6)
495BEACHGanesh RamanBusinessman's capital is pursued by every bank (5)
494WHISKYSatyen NabarWife is extremely kinky after drinking hard liquor (6)
493WELL DONESamit KallianpurNo weed left? A little bit of LSD may be good for you! (4,4)
492MINESTRONE@LowdownCrypticIn Rome, sent out for Italian food (10)
491MAGICIANTextrousAm I acting craftily to make model disappear? (8)
490APAGERKaustav DattaGadget carried around by teenager - e.g, a phone (5)
490BPAGERSamit KallianpurTime to stop marketing this gizmo? (5)
489ASSAULTSatyen NabarHit by lust, has a romp when husband's away (7)
488RESOURCESamit KallianpurSure, core exercises help (8)
487TIPTOEN AnantakrishnanNote : Potholes every now and then, proceed carefully ((6)
486EGOMANIACKalyan BandyopadhyayTrump possibly shot? Come again? (9)
485SPEARHEADTextrousHare sped off to take a leading position (9)
484ATROPHY@LowdownCrypticCup of wine raised, then happily emptied (6)
484ATROPHYGanesh RamanWork hard, put in effort, get an award (6)
483ESOTERICSatyen NabarMost see erotic reels in private (8)
482ARROGANCETextrousConceit or rage can go out of control (9)
481WEATHERSatyen NabarHow a tree releases oxygen, changing atmospheric conditions (7)
480RESULTGanesh RamanBizarre rules lead to terrible outcome (6)
479GYRATIONRamki KrishnanAshwin’s opening… trying desperately to grip ball for spin (8)
478CALCULATETextrousTailor cut lace to clothe oddly lean figure (9)
477HANG UPSamit KallianpurHenry called….and right away, cut the call! (4,2)
476RETIRESuyash RoongtaConsumed by regret, I resolve to go away (6)
475INHERITANCEGayathri ViswanathWhat my late mother left for me – entire China set (11)
474GO BANANASN AnantakrishnanGet upset with travel restrictions limiting all new arrivals basically (2,7)
473ELECTSatyen NabarPick up succulent celery sandwiches (5)
472PARTICLEN AnantakrishnanBeginning to panic? Maybe a bit (8)
471INSTRUMENTTextrousInmates turn violent without a control mechanism (10)
470ACADEMYSamit KallianpurCame a day, sadly, when one had to leave school (7)
469HANDLERamki KrishnanPick up spinach and lettuce sandwiches (6)
468CUL-DE-SACSuyash RoongtaPanicking, accused takes left into blind alley (3-2-3)
467REFLECTTextrousRight to vote inspires fellow to think carefully (7)
466ALEAPINGSowmya RamkumarSkipping rum, gin and ale, drinks Pepsi, essentially (7)
466BLEAPINGVeera RaghavanJumping rekindled leg pain (7)
465PETROLEUM@LowdownCrypticFavourite part in movie? Naked bums, to be crude (9)
464ANTIQUERamki KrishnanOld criminal ran away from quarantine (7)
463MOBILE@LowdownCrypticActive couples starting mountain biking lessons (6)
462PERSEVERESatyen NabarGo on wild spree, drinking endlessly (9)
461IDOLGanesh RamanIconic depiction of Lord, primarily (4)
460CELEBRATIONSatyen NabarParty supporter involved in rigging election (11)
459A CLEAN SLATESowmya RamkumarBeginning from MacLean’s latest (1,5,5)
458SUSPENDSatyen NabarExtremely shocked about American writer’s arrest (7)
457AMERRYN AnantakrishnanGay couple left America for England
457BMERRYTextrousDrunk setter’s about to make a mistake
456CHLORINATEDSatyen NabarChildren at old complex like the swimming pools (11)
455BNIGHTMAREQpheevrArming the rebels for a worst-case scenario (9)
455ANIGHTMARESatyen NabarHearts captured by poor emigrant's ordeal (9)
454VALOURTextrousSpirit from a small bottle knocking out one of us (6)
453MATCHSparsh SinhaInitially mocked, Australian team create history in tournament (5)
452GESTURESatyen NabarStarts to eat uncooked rice, gets loose motion (7)
451LAMPQpheevrLooking at my phone primarily as a light source (4)
450UBERRamki KrishnanThe best of Youtube reels (4)
449CACOPHONYSuyash RoongtaCalifornia policeman gets love after busting drug racket (9)
448MEDALSaurabh UpadhyayOrder upended in Israel, a democracy (5)
447LEAGUERamki KrishnanExtremely lithe and fit for competition (8)
446UNIFORMSatyen NabarHigh on rum, cuddling single female in flat (7)
445BOYCOTTSparsh SinhaBoozy actor regularly seen with two models at bar (7)
443TREASONSuyash RoongtaHeartache, essentially, about a child's betrayal (7)
442LANDINGGanesh RamanA dash of lemon with gin ordered at the end of a flight (7)
441OPPENHEIMERSatyen NabarPioneer, he worked with initiators of Manhattan Project (11)
440HEATWAVESowmya RamkumarMan at women’s topless party has a torrid time! (8)
439THREADSAmrita MajumdarNot a bit of crease in freshly starched clothes (7)
438PASTIMESatyen NabarTeam is buckling under pressure in game (7)
437TITANKalyan BandyopadhyayWasn't it a navigation component responsible for this submersible mishap? (5)
436SMART ALECSatyen NabarMale star playing lead in Chinatown as a clever dick (5,4)
435ACT OF GODTextrousNatural disaster got a doc worried about the onset of fatalities (3,2,3)
434LITIGATIONRamki KrishnanRelief after spending money to get topmost lawyer for case (10)
433SCEPTRETextrousRoyal staff's lurid secret about prince (7)
432EUPHORIASatyen NabarHear opium's fantastic, leaving many in bliss (8)
431CONSUMMATETextrousPractised mum's one-act plays (10)
430VACATION@LowdownCrypticDoctor can't avoid missing day trip (8)
429PROXYSatyen NabarCPR, oxygen saves delegate (5)
428STANDAdmanStreet with a view (5)
427ASSIDUOUSRaj JayaramSo, US aid made us hard-working? (9)
426DIATRIBEVenkatesan PCriticism? I'd bear it anyway! (8)
425PASTRIESTextrousBaked stuff that is taken from patisserie, perhaps (8)
424DEFAMATIONGanesh RamanDoctor, I am not deaf! That’s a personal attack (10)
423REVERBERATESatyen NabarBoxer’s last two vertebrae injured in ring (11)
422DANCERamki KrishnanOld ancestral houses rock! (5)
421CLINICALSatyen NabarDisinterested husband dumped I can chill out (8)
420EMPOWERMENTVeera RaghavanDesperate workmen meet prince when king is away to get permission (11)
419AHA MOMENTAmrita MajumdarSudden discovery of a sacred mantra found in stirring anthem (3,6)
418CURTAINSatyen NabarDog can have glaucoma, eventually becoming blind (7)
417CONGLOMERATESuyash RoongtaA long-term CEO restructured business empire. (12)
416PATTERNSatyen NabarModel, say, going topless - enthralled by pot (7)
415PREPOSTEROUSSamit KallianpurBroadcast: “Europe stops war at last!…That’s incredible!” (12)
414SECONDSaurabh UpadhyayOddly, she’s crowned the runner-up (6)
413HIGH-FLYER@LowdownCrypticGreetings! Good handoff after vacation – let’s start year picking out a winner (4-5)
412PLUCKYN AnantakrishnanBold cover of Playboy amasses fortune (6)
411PROPAGANDAMadhusudan HA dangerous app spreads useless disinformation (10)
410NO-BRAINERN AnantakrishnanAir borne pathogen ultimately spreads - that's obvious (2-7)
409FOOTBALLMadhusudan HA sport where forwards outrun opponents, tackle blockers and land lethal headers (8)
408SENTIMENTSatyen NabarFeeling smitten, one nervously expresses love (9
407WAITRESSESSamit KallianpurIs water frequently served by them? (10)
406MONKEY BUSINESSManish JhaveriTeam on key bus in Essex caught clowning around (6,8)
405NAIL-BITINGSatyen NabarWild night in Bali without husband is exciting (4-6)
404ADIABOLICGanesh RamanVicious biomedical waste killing me (8)
404DIABOLICVinod RamanShocking alibi coward fabricated to avoid war (8)
403NEW YORKRamki KrishnanNotable banks operate around Yankee state (3,4)
402MINIONSSuyash RoongtaLackeys abandoned unionism after leader disappeared (7)
401FAREWELLSparsh SinhaFor starters, Federer and Rafa’s encounter was epic ! Lovely last act of departure (8)
400EMBRYOMadhusudan HBaby-to-be starts to expand, mother buys relaxing yoga outfit (6)
399FUNERALAnanth SrinivasanFuel ran out? That's the last thing you need! (7)
398SUPERLATIVE@inwitinwitFree exchange of rupees vital for capital. (11)
397RECOVERYDave WilliamsGetting back on top? Yes! (8)
396COMEDIANSuyash RoongtaChris Rock perhaps made icon mad (8)
395DRESSING GOWNGanesh RamanSpooner’s figuring out, standing next to sink, what to wear while at home (8,4)
394SUPREME COURTDave WilliamsOverturning ‘Roe’? Cue Trump’s appointed justices (7,5)
393MODERATION@LowdownCrypticCook me tandoori – not too much! (10)
392CAPITALISTqpheevrSupplier of dough for California flatbread menu (10)
391ANTHEMGanesh RamanSlogan the motherland embraces! (6)
390DAREDEVILSuyash RoongtaReckless management of deadlier variant, at first (9)
389SCARLETVinod RamanRed alerts reissued to contain the onset of Covid-19 (7)
388CHARISMAMadhusudan HLeaders of Congress hallucinate about Rahul inheriting Sonia's money and appeal (8)
387SINGERSamit KallianpurDiva's embraced by fans, in Germany (6)
386AIR HOSTESSSatyen NabarNeerja for one is a hero, shot protecting travellers primarily with extreme selflessness (3,7)
385BIODIVERSITYVinod RamanI'd bet ivory is plundered for natural richness (12)
384SMACKGanesh RamanHit-man’s head found in gunny bag (5)
383VARIABLEMyra ShahUnsettle a rival? Be unpredictable! (8)
382DYNASTYSparsh SinhaRule no.1 of dieting - you never add sugar to yogurt (7)
381PIPE DREAMManish JhaveriPampered Indian leader engineered Achche Din perhaps (4, 5)
380SPRINGMadhusudan HAfter regular losses, Super Kings struck boundaries to bounce back (6)
379HOSTLily GellerWho’s that entertaining emcee? (4)
378ADVOCATEN AnantakrishnanEssentially, Novak acted improperly for a champion (8)
377MANUSCRIPTLily GellerArcane stamp with runic handwriting (10)
376SHAMPOO@LowdownCrypticQuiet morning? Relieve yourself – it's what almost everyone does in the shower (7)
375CONTRACTMadhusudan HLeaders of China open new trade route after cancelling Taiwan's agreement (8)
374RESILIENTLily GellerGargling Listerine is tough (9)
373INVASIONRaj JayaramAttack in vain - so sad! (8)
372TALL ORDERSatyen NabarAlert old leader of Russia making unreasonable demand (4,5)
371RICOCHETGanesh RamanTop leader pursuing filthy rich CEO for a kickback (8)
370ENTROPYMyra ShahPerhaps poetry captures the essence of one’s turmoil (7)
369LIGHTERNate CardinFlying? That fear's occasionally not as serious (7)
368CHAMELEONArjun MukerjeeLehman CEO? Crooked opportunist! (9)
367METRONOMEVinod RamanNo more time glitches when one's set off (9)
366SECURITYAnanth SrinivasanCorrupt countryside don denied immunity (8)
365FRAGILEN AnantakrishnanVulnerable kid is sucked into criminal life (7)
364SILVESTERAmrita MajumdarSilver set used for celebration (9)
364aSILVESTERAnanth SrinivasanNun shelters wingless elves of the woodland (9)
363CHRISTMASDebbie Manber KupferHoliday trims cash dramatically! (9)
362TINSELSSv AvtaarWhat essentially glistens gaudily (6)
361VARIANTAmrita MajumdarAn introduction to visual art in a new form (7)
360FULL CIRCLESatyen NabarFlu left cleric shivering in round trip (4,6)
359SHOWERGayathri ViswanathFixture found in bathroom - mirror, perhaps? (6)
358CARNAGEThejaswi UdupaWorry about plague causing widespread destruction (7)
357CLIMATEAmrita MajumdarCapitals of Chile and Peru with extremely temperate weather (7)
356SUPERNATURALSatyen NabarMysterious criminal nurtures a plan to kill nationalist (12)
355PARLIAMENTAmrita MajumdarPost retirement, lived in father's house (10)
354GUARDIANSamit KallianpurA drug bust?...One by a new warden! (8)
353IMPROMPTUSatyen NabarOne-man concert put up without preparation (9)
352LEADERAnanth SrinivasanEditorial left reviewer scratching head (6)
352ALEADERRamki KrishnanChief Advocate beheaded!! (6)
351PARADISEN AnantakrishnanA date in Paris, ending in love and bliss (8)
350BLUE WHALEVeera Raghavan SundararajanSad when setter was killed by a mammal (4,5)
349TEENAGERSRamki KrishnanAt war, sergeant starting to enlist minors (9)
348MEANDERManish JhaveriNeed a suspect in murder case to talk more than necessary (7)
347DEBACLEGanesh NayakFiasco in bed: upset over another clear failure to climax (7)
346PEGASUSRamki KrishnanMalware: Case of phones getting infected by careless usage (7)
345SUSPECTSatyen NabarUnreliable faction seizes power after America withdraws (7)
344JAVELINSaurabh UpadhyayNeeraj returned after vacation to dominate a live sporting event (7)
343TRACKSSv AvtaarTop of the shelf scent (5)
342COMPETEGayathri ViswanathStudent lost in close battle (7)
341OBJECTAmrita MajumdarOld and miserable without a plan (6)
340VICTORYCamelia OberoiWin by conservative party after corruption is reduced (7)
339AMBIGUITYAmrita MajumdarDoubt a doctor with innocent face is responsible for killing 50 (9)
339AAMBIGUITYSaurabh UpadhyayFriendship takes a turn after overcoming serious doubt (9)
338HACKNEYEDManish MisraCut ‘n’ saw routine (9)
337OVERCASTSatyen NabarCovers at ground? It's cloudy (8)
336PENCHANTManish JhaveriFancy swansong (8)
335BEATAnanth SrinivasanSpeculate about a strike (4)
334LIBERALThejaswi UdupaMost reliable, well-organized, open-minded person (7)
333EVERGREENSatyen NabarEnduringly popular revenge novel about woman killing husband (9)
332LOITERManish JhaveriRoleplay involved sex in drag (6)
331MEGALOMANIACThejaswi UdupaWith Shah, this person drunk on power becomes macho Sanghi male (12)
330TRUMPETSatyen NabarMutter softly perhaps? Quite the opposite (7)
329MANIPULATEVeera Raghavan SundararajanParliament has no right to take over university, deceptively getting control (10)
329AMANIPULATESowmya RamkumarNaipaul met eccentric doctor (10)
328DISPARAGESSv AvtaarMock parade is organised, welcoming leader in Gujarat (9)
327ORNATEManish JhaveriLike jewellery worn at exclusive shows (6)
326SPIKEMaya SharmaPrimarily stock prices indicate key economic projection (5)
325SUEZ CANALSSv AvtaarCan US zeal free blocked route for ships ? (4,5)
324OPINIONSatyen NabarThought of poison in cocktail to get rid of missus finally (7)
323MANDOLINAjeesh VMOld man dancing and playing musical instrument (8)
322LASHESRamki KrishnanBeats criminal as he steals sandwiches (6)
321STADIUMDeepa JhaveriMotera, say, must aid spin (7)
320CURFEWManish JhaveriClampdown by leader disregarded by some (6)
319TOOLKITN AnantakrishnanLook out! One has been arrested by heartless tyrant for document on social media campaign (7)
318FASCISMSatyen NabarFellow orchestrating scams across India for authoritarian rule (7)
317ONCE IN A BLUE MOONAjeesh VMVery rarely announce old mobile updates (4,2,1,4,4)
316MALAISESatyen NabarKamala is elected, curbing unease (7)
315PRIVACYRamki KrishnanTroubled vicar enters empty priory to get solitude (7)
314HOOLIGANSManish JhaveriRioters who, with leader gone, get thrown in gaols (9)
313FANTASTICSSv AvtaarIt's a fact -nation's leader is sneaky and unbelievable (9)
312FINALSamit KallianpurLast bookshelf in a library section (5)
311MISTLETOEN AnantakrishnanFilm with the French legend! It calls for a kiss (9)
310ACREATURESatyen NabarPerson mixing the curare to kill husband (8)
310CREATURERamki KrishnanHuman's right to have breakthrough antidote (8)
309FARMERManish JhaveriHe grows much more agitated without support of those in the centre (6)
308MARADONAN AnantakrishnanFootballer's drama on a ground (8)
307PUNYSatyen NabarPetty president, essentially out by new year (4)
306WARMTHRamki KrishnanAfter battle, leaders of military troops have to demonstrate cordiality (6)
305PANDEMONIUMAjeesh VMStir and roast on medium flame (11)
304PLATERamki KrishnanServing as President? No more! (5)
303EXPONENTIALAjeesh VMExplain note about a type of mathematical function (11)
302ADIPOSESatyen NabarTop ideas devised to lose a little tummy fat (7)
301CULTUREManish JhaveriCruel, tainted, unprincipled leaders destroyed society (7)
300CHUTNEYGaurav JohriOrdered my set lunch without starters. It's usually spicy (7)
299HASHVinit WankhedeLeading heroine has arranged some dope (4)
298CLAIMEDSatyen NabarAlleged hint of conspiracy left media in a frenzy (7)
297HAPPINESSManish JhaveriLaughter eases pains ... helps forget first love (9)
296BOTTLE OPENERSatyen NabarOn beer and pot, let loose - it's what drinker needs (6,6)
295ALL THE BESTAjeesh VMWish rum bottles heal the absence of love (3,3,4)
294MASKRamki KrishnanForm a skin covering (4)
293IMPERATIVESatyen NabarCrucial ring stolen in exciting pirate movie (10)
292PRODIGALKrishnan AnantheswaranExpert probe finds Article 50 reckless (8)
291CHAMPIONRamki KrishnanSupport study covering Indian heritage site (8)
290ABSTRACTGaurav JohriIn short, a system of organs behind the pelvic muscles (8)
289MINORITYHMS CrypticModi is now openly recognizing India's talented, young leaders of the smaller group (8)
288ENCOUNTERSSv AvtaarContest played on Centre Court , essentially (9)
288aENCOUNTERBhalchandra PasupathyTotal time lost in board meeting (9)
287NEPOTISMAndrew ThangarajFavouritism is adopted by corrupt top men (8)
286COURAGEManish JhaveriIt's shown by soldiers fighting Chinese on the front these days (7)
285PURPOSEManish JhaveriAspire to recreate Leonardo's last Supper (7)
284MIGRANTAmrita MajumdarI am raising money for displaced worker (7)
283TENDERHMS CrypticOffer to recall censored Netflix content (6)
282FIGUREManish JhaveriGrief spreads with Trump in the Centre as leader (6)
281IGNORANCECamelia OberoiIt can be bliss to play organ in Church (9)
280PERSISTENTSatyen NabarConstant parking problem in streets (10)
279SUBLIMEGanesh NayakToasted muesli infused with blueberry essence is out of this world! (7)
278DEADPANHMS CrypticEarly signs of deadly epidemics and dangerous pandemics are not serious (7)
277TOURNAMENTAndrew ThangarajWorld cup team not worried about miserable run (10)
276PEDESTRIANGanesh NayakOrdinary train running with extraordinary speed (10)
276aPEDESTRIANSSv Avtaar Severely strained after workout everyday (10)
275DISTANCEManish JhaveriIt’s awkwardly maintained during social separation (8)
274HOPEManish JhaveriWhat people look for every second in the Covid epidemic perhaps? (4)
273SALUBRIOUSSatyen NabarResolution of labour issue, largely beneficial (10)
272VACCINEGanesh NayakJonas Salk discovered one suspended in scenic cave (7)
271MARCHRamesh SwaminathanThis month all leading markets are repeatedly crashing, help (5)
270PROPERTYSSv AvtaarOften, pure poetry is edited for quality (8)
269BEARINGRamki KrishnanPray to receive fresh rain and air (7)
268PARASITESSv AvtaarOne gatecrashing parties maybe? (8)
267CRACKERSN AnantakrishnanAfter Christiano Ronaldo's headers, supporters start going crazy (8)
266CAUCUSAmrita MajumdarStudents ditch differential calculus session (6)
265PANDEMICThejaswi UdupaDamn! Epic outbreak. (8)
264WELCOMESatyen NabarMost ladies around the Spanish club are desirable (7)
263ACCIDENTN AnantakrishnanMisadventure of "acche din" unraveling - truth finally coming out with time (8)
262UNIVERSITYRamki KrishnanInstitution training you primarily in virtues (10)
261DEFRAYSatyen NabarDare to tackle Iran! Heartily pay (6)
260VISIONAndrew ThangarajDream for one to enter lover's heart is working (6)
259AMENDMENTViresh RatnakarA date, oddly involving two men, for a change (9)
258APOLOGISESatyen NabarExpress regret when logo is misprinted in copy (9)
257ADOPTIONVeera Raghavan SundararajanA party working around news agency for acceptance (8)
256PINKFa TenRose to stick with Jack in the end (4)
255CAREFULThejaswi UdupaMembers of Forward Bloc are fully on guard (7)
254PARKRamki KrishnanSon left Kindle in garden (4)
253COMPOSEDVinit WankhedeWrote sad poems about love during cold days (8)
252REPUDIATESSv AvtaarPure dates, mostly cultivated around Indian desert (9)
251OCCASIONAndrew ThangarajRetired company auditor is up on time for event (8)
250ARGUMENTLakshmi VaidyanathanUrgent ! Am out for a debate (8)
249DRAFTSatyen NabarDenuding Aarey in irresponsible plan (5)
248TOLERANCEArjun MukerjeeCEO learnt about patience (9)
247DOGFa TenRing with diamonds on top, girl's best friend? (3)
246SUSPENSEVinit WankhedeIt stirs up senses! (8)
245NOVICESatyen NabarSadly, I've no competence to begin with (6)
244ABROGATEAshit HegdeInitially, Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha openly gallivanted - had to break off (8)
243SOAP OPERASatyen NabarSerial appears too outlandish - waste of time (4,5)
242MEDITATIONSundararaman SrinivasanA method to tie a mind that's wandering (10)
241DELUGEGuruswamy NatarajPull through a river in spate (6)
240UNEARTHAndrew ThangarajHer aunt becomes mine (7)
239BELLWETHERNeelima RaiThe leader bowled surprisingly well there (10)
238ORCHESTRASatyen NabarI'm quitting choirmaster's new band (9)
237BEDEVILSSv AvtaarDoctor believed one drug eradicated plague (7)
236FORECASTNemo OmenDivine forces at play (8)
235SUCCULENTManjunath GawadeSuch detailed book about cryptic clue's delightful (9)
234SPILL THE BEANSSatyen NabarSlept with hot lesbian slyly? Tell all (5,3,5)
233VERTIGOManish MisraMedical condition of very complicated goitre (7)
232BEERSatyen NabarBit of free booze lifts spirit (4)
231BOLTViresh RatnakarScrew-up in Brexit lobby? (4)
230SHENANIGANSSundararaman SrinivasanPlaying in an Ashes game on debut, player indulged in dishonest activities (11)
229BETTER HALFAmrita MajumdarHusband left the bar staggering (6,4)
228ARITHMETICSundararaman SrinivasanPossibly, trickiest math that leaves many stumped (10)
227FALSE TEETHRamki KrishnanChoppers that land in water at night? (5,5)
226MANIFESTOIis Venky It often aims to confuse? (9)
225TIGER WOODSManjunath GawadeThis international golfer's exceptionally remarkable, winner of over dozen sports titles (5,5)
224PHILANDERRamki KrishnanAfter soft greeting, put both hands around sweetheart to flirt (9)
223TRUMPETSatyen NabarMutter softly perhaps? Quite the opposite (7)
222DOUBLEM ScrabblerDolly, oddly underweight baby lamb, earth's first clone (6)
221FEATHERAshley SmithDown here fat melts (7)
220SHAPESatyen NabarCherish a perfectly maintained physique (5)
219OBJECTIVEManjunath GawadeJust another job sweetheart, working topless (9)
218WARMONGERVinit WankhedeBelligerent men are wrong, misguided (9)
217CORDIALRamki KrishnanCold air turning warm (7)
216REDOLENTThejaswi UdupaSuggestive dress? Don't leer! (8)
215RADIANTTulika DasBrilliant maneuver in the end by Nadia performing on bar (7)
214STINGVinit WankhedeHurting inside? Trust in God! (5)
213ELECTIONSSatyen NabarA little stunned after Left topples Right in assembly polls (9)
212STRENGTHKalyan BandyopadhyayLast couples in contest are dancing with intensity (8)
211ADMINISTRATORGanesh NayakHere, skillful Sowmya's one, adroit Martin's another (13)
210MASQUERADESandhya ParuchuriSurprisingly, drama queen's not the centre of attention in a fancy-dress ball (10)
209FIREWORKSSatyen NabarHysterics and fury before wife breaks cutlery (9)
208TENTATIVEArun KumarTemporary shelter had four inside (9)
207DELEGATEManjunath GawadeRepresentative of Rafale finally gets support in court (8)
206CALAMITYSowmya Ramkumar Still not married, understanding it could be a disaster (8)
205ATELIERGanesh NayakStudio had rooftop lounge included (7)
204EVIDENCEAjeesh VMWitness and criminal need advice in the absence of lawyer (8)
203STRETCHManjunath GawadeReach again for one in pain (7)
202FORWARDDhirendra TripathiBecause there's will at first, there's a way ahead (7)
201SUPERLATIVEAntonio SarmientoBest value: ripest bananas (11)
200FESTIVALRamki KrishnanLast five crackers for Diwali, say (8)
199ACHINGAmrita MajumdarDesperately wanting a cold gin cocktail having a dash of honey (6)
198SABOTAGESatyavrat BondreLeaders of Saudi Arabia become overly troubled about Government's elitist disruption (8)
197CHALLENGESatyen NabarTax measure withdrawn in amendment (9)
196INTEGRATESowmya RamkumarBy mistake, tag entire group (9)
195BASKET CASESundararaman SrinivasanBest cake? A special, fluffy fruitcake! (6,4)
195BASKET CASEKaustav DattaOften, she takes cab to travel, being one who can't walk independently? (6,4)
194FALLSSowmya RamkumarFamilies, on vacation, pack everything for trips
193SPLENDOURSundararaman SrinivasanControversial US open ends in slur, overshadowed individual brilliance (9)
192UNIVERSALSatyen NabarCommon worry - Rupee beginning to slide in value (9)
191INDICTRamki KrishnanMallya finally leaves country, facing court charge (6)
190IMRAN KHANViresh RatnakarPolitician of Muslim rank, handsome (5,4)
189DEMOCRACYSatyen NabarProtest and shout about current system of government (9)
188COLLAPSESundararaman SrinivasanFail or pass? Pass!(8)
187OFFERTORYSupriya MithalRemoving lid from strongbox, Party member finds mass donations (9)
186ASSEVERATESundararaman SrinivasanA divide in AP, say, on ceding capital of Telangana State (10)
185AWARDRamki KrishnanDied after a battle, getting Param Vir Chakra say (5)
184GOALKaustav DattaWhat Diego Alves keeps? (4)
183ENVELOPESRamki KrishnanStupid peon leaves without a set of office supplies (9)
182DEVASTATESSv AvtaarSpoil Rig Veda, say (9)
181ESTABLISHChatur VasiFound to be less habit-forming (9)
180BREAK A LEGSatyen NabarGood luck fixing leak in rickety barge (5,1,3)
179EXPRESS DELIVERYSowmya Ramkumar Ex spy redelivers criminal for quick handover (7,8)
178PICTURERamki KrishnanPerson with fine taste, heading off to frame Monet's final painting (7)
177NATURESSv AvtaarExercise, eat and run wild (6)
176SUPERMOMSudarshan JaganathanRumi's poem about selfless, extraordinary parent (8)
175PALINDROMERamki KrishnanPerhaps Mum and daughter visiting friend in old city (10)
174BALANCEAshley SmithBarbarism - as likely as not - leads to extremes of corrective justice (7)
173ENTERTAINSandhya ParuchuriPlease restore internet access first (9)
172PRISONSatyen NabarWhere one might meet pen pals? (6)
171SABBATICALKaustav DattaLeave from work and start to book a cab, as it turns left (10)
170RELEVANTSatyen NabarConcealing ball tampering! Alert one captures piece of video that's to the point (8)
169NINCOMPOOPJyotsna DeoMuddled companion forgets blood group before operation. He's an idiot (10)
168TAKE IT EASYSatyen NabarDrink a beverage with spot of Scotch at the end of day to relax (4, 2, 4)
167EXTROVERTRamki KrishnanFormer teetotaller is drinking? Right on! He's a sociable person (9)
166BANDICOOTSatyen NabarDebar diamond company! Seize Modi finally to bring back big rat (9)
165SCOREChatur VasiPictorial clue of the number 20, with a line across it
164COMPETENTSSv AvtaarSkilful in bed, politician screwed teen (9)
163ASPIRATIONSatyen NabarFlying into Paris, nursing a dream (10)
162INCONSIDERATEHeidi SchroederWithout thinking, inserted a coin the wrong way (13)
161ENLIGHTENSowmya RamkumarStart to elucidate, in length, perhaps (9)
160CRIMEGuruswamy NatarajBreakdown of law and order has America essentially in turmoil (5)
159ABSOLUTELYKaustav Datta It's essential in trade to buy/sell freely without restrictions (10)
158FITNESSSatyen NabarResolve stiffens to lose a bit of flab to achieve this (7)
157SANCTIONSupriya MithalWayward son can't accept one's authority (8)
156AVANT-GARDEAjeesh VMA novel - great and very innovative (5-5)
155DETERMINESatyen NabarWanting a little pint? Need permit! Silly rule (9)
154TRAVESTYSowmya RamkumarOne who doesn’t drink hosts drug parties at the year-end? What a joke! (8)
153PAGEANTAjeesh VMPresident's deputy hosting a parade (7)
152ANOTHERAashwina MoulAnti-hero's giving up crime essentially, becoming different (7)
151PERVADEHeidi SchroederAccording to Dave, bananas are filling (7)
150CHAMPIONNeelima Rai Stand up for a drink to essentially commemorate no. 1 top player from the East (8)
149AXIS OF EVILFaten IsmailA kiss is love... If misused, it could cause misery in the world (4,2,4)
148WISTFULSowmya RamkumarSad woman is tearful, when there's no one who listens (7)
147DROP-DEAD GORGEOUSViresh RatnakarDoctor: "Work late, overeat, love, push without limits." Beautiful! (4-4,8)
146TEMPERAMENTALSSV AvtaarVolatile parliament meet is in disarray after India's leader walked out (13)
145SUFFICIENTMona SogalPlenty of nice stuff I distributed (10)
144ANCESTRYRamki KrishnanAmbulances trying to transport blood (8)
143COMPACTCrypt EllaFreshly made camp bed lining is firm (7)
142RIGHTRamki KrishnanHonest , intelligent leader killed ( 5 )
141BLESSEDSridhar VedanthamDamned? Quite the contrary!
140HILARIOUSSupriya MithalGreeting the French royal with " I love America"? ,that's funny(9)
139GOSSAMERFaten IsmailThread created by web designer?(8)
138BEARINGSSowmya RamkumarDoctor earns big position (8)
137BELEAGUERAjeesh VMShortly order beer bottles for Harry (9)
136TRUCULENCESSV AvtaarOrganised lecture with UN covering the source of Chechnyan hostility (10)
135POSITIONVinod RamanDrink is put back inside case ( 8 )
134SOLITUDEHeidi SchroederLied to us about single status (8 )
133DYSLEXIAViresh RatnakarDaughter, easily exceptional, overcame unknown reading challenges (8)
132LEISUREVinit WankhedeBreaking rules? That is freedom ! (7)
131CONTRADICTRamki KrishnanLeaders of democratic India break promise...say "Yes", then "No" perhaps (10)
130EXTENSIONSupriya MithalAppendix ruptured ,toxin seen (9)
129CONTENT Sandhya ParuchuriGlad Australia's not batting (7)
128MATHEMATICIANSowmya RamkumarSummer Job? (13)
127FACTIONKaustav DattaGroup sex’s difficult in a cot (7)
126BOHEMIANAjeesh VMWandering man, i.e. hobo,mostly (8)
125OPERATIONVinod RamanWorking a rope into knots (9)
124NEFARIOUSKaustav DattaIt's dark outside, city's unsafe to go wandering (9)
123OREGANOSSv AvtaarClumsy one groans after dropping partners’ dressing (7)
122CROSSWORDSVinod RamanThey are puzzling currents that trouble aeroplanes in leaving or entering (10)
121INVEIGLESSandhya ParuchuriSally gives in to accept the French charms (8)
120CHOCOLATEManish MisraChanel, perhaps, drapes hot behind - sweet! (9)
119TOWELSandhya ParuchuriAfter leaving the club shower, first toss wet clothes in drier (5)
118AMAZONViresh RatnakarA construction worker's son leaves for Zuckerberg's top internet company (6)
117DOUBLE CROSSERHeidi SchroederCon man who nearly won at tic-tac-toe? (6-7)
116ABSENT MINDEDChatur VasiContemplating staying away from work? (6-6)
115RAPSCALLIONSandhya ParuchuriLittle devil knocks and rings endlessly - no one turns up (11)
114CAMARADERIECrypt EllaDear America failing at team spirit (11)
113INDEPENDENT Sandhya ParuchuriFreelance writer is employed by Indian editor associated with ebooks (11)
112MADRIGALChatur VasiAdmiral goes nuts over girl's song  (8)
111JAMES BONDVinod RamanBeguiling dames in job, one turned out to be a famous spy (5,4)
110CONTINENTBhavan KumarAustralia perhaps lacking good representatives (9)
109MIRTHDebasmita BasuHappiness in Kashmir thwarted (5)
108SACRIFICEDGuruswamy NatarajLeaders still argue "Congress rescued India from Imperialism". Contrarily, English departed - simply surrendered (10)
107COMPANIONDebasmita BasuFriend primarily can often motivate, pamper and needlessly indulge one's naughtiness (9)
106PITCHLakshmi VaidyanathanSoft long tone (5)
105FENESTRATEHeidi SchroederLike a sunroom? Best price! One left for the ultimate in elegance! (10)
104MANOEUVREUsha MehtaChap at French open with energy to move (9)
103MY WORD SSv AvtaarJeez! Microsoft product has finally taken off around the end of January (2,4)
102OLD FLAMEBrian DungateOne who had the hots for me? (3,5
101CORPULENTVinod RamanBig computer part's acquired or loaned (8)
100LANDMARK Sowmya Ramkumar50+ score! It's a milestone (8)
99POUNCERamki Krishnan Leopard follows softly to attack (6)
98GETAWAY. Vinod RamanEntrance numbers 2 and 4 got switched to exit (7).
97FIREWORKSSrinivas KotamarthiCrackers we risk for bursting (9)
96MONITORBrian DungateIT moron broke screen (7)
95BEHAVIOURSiddharth WatwePerformance (Live!) of husband, Topless? Jesus Christ!! (9)
94CARNIVALManish MisraCelebration about match-winning point (8)
93TAKEVinod RamanWin bets endlessly (4),
92DENOUNCESiddharth WatweA cave and a snow leopard. Damn! [8]
91FEATURESMONA SOGALItems ruined after use (8)
90BEASTPaddy CravenAwesome thing! Raging sea fills empty boat (5)
89PRESENTHeidi SchroederGift delivered early? (7)
88STRAIGHTVinod RamanFrank's art to be put up in exhibition (8)
87LAMENTSridhar VedanthamLast word in officer's elegy (6)
86TOASTHeidi SchroederSlice of tomato? A stingy breakfast choice! (5)
85SIMPLEAakash SridharHelp miss carry back a piece of cake (6)
84TRANSPARENTSridhar VedanthamShameless rants about mother, perhaps (11)
83STRINGSCrypt EllaEGAD! Together, they make music! (7)
82INTIMATECryptic Xyzboy"I meant it in a funny way, buddy!" (8)
81FAIRAakash SridharLovely female voice (4)
80RED FACEDHeidi SchroederSome coffee the German knocked over with obvious chagrin (3-5)
79ARTICLEGuruswamy NatarajAn editor can perhaps clear it (7)
78PROLIFERATEHeidi SchroederSpread gossip about old jailbird (11)
77CHRONICLESBhavan KumarStories of Calvin & Hobbes primarily about the ultimate in fictional cronies (10)
76BOOMERANGHeidi SchroederReturn from Nigeria following period of prosperity (9)
75WHITE ELEPHANTSBhavan KumarWe took a beating with these plan wrecking financial burdens (5, 9)
74LAUGHTERSSv Avtaar Left topless girl giggling (8)
73SIMPLICITYGuruswamy NatarajClarity inherent in some young leaders (10)
72HEARTBhaskarbenjamin SunilBloody pump ! (5 )
71DISTANTHeidi SchroederIntrinsic reward is tantalizingly at arm's length (7)
70BEREFTRamki KrishnanFemale wearing a cap, like a widow perhaps (6)
69PEACEAbhai JawaBuried in hope, a certainty of love and friendship (5)
68ILLUMINATERamki KrishnanI will think deeply, scratching the head, and explain (10)
67MIRACLEUsha MehtaIt's a wonder race doesn't end in 1.6 kilometers! (7)
66SHOWEREDAjeesh VMCovered but revealed without hesitation (8)
65PATIENCESowmya RamkumarDoctors treat them, say for phlegm (8)
64GENERALRamki Krishnan Popular members of Arsenal are negotiating to come back (7)
63FASHIONSSv AvtaarIt is always in shape (7)
62MATERIALRamki KrishnanPossibly felt important (8)
61DEMOCRACYPaddy CravenProtest almost split Yugoslavia's first government by the people (9)
60FLOATVinod RamanFly lightly over a terrain, primarily (5)
59CONSIDERATIONAakash SridharPayment made with poor credit is a no-no (13)
58DICTIONARYSowmya RamkumarWhere you can find the meaning of life? (10)
57SATIRICALDebbie Manber KupferAct I - "Liars in Rebellion" - not to be taken seriously (9)
56SOVEREIGNVenkataraghavan SahasranamanIt's out of Russian control, autonomous (9)
55PARTNERSHIPArvind KannabiranA spouse is cool company (11)
54PARADIGM SHIFTSSv AvtaarManufacturing diaphragms daily in England, adopting one fundamental change (8,5)
53MAN-EATERTony SebastianOne has a consuming interest in people? (3-5)
52RAINBOWVinod RamanCloud feature not developed to include unlimited email storage (7)
51TURNING POINTTony SebastianA spinner can change the game with this? (7,5)
50ENTRANCESRamki KrishnanTen different contests accepting ninety starting entries (9)
49SCARECROWPaddy CravenScruffy chap races around to brag (9)
48FATHERAtul JairajIn Arafat, he recognized a patriarch (6)
47SCALESTanmay SrivastavaRulers building castles without central courtyard (6)
45REPRISEBrian DungateDr. Peppers - It's her regular way to get going again (7)
44SLIPAakash SridharMistake school for college in a film scene (4)
43PLAINDebasmita BasuModest minister doesn't have tea (5)
42SINGLED OUTHeidi SchroederBlamed for ungodliest mess! (7,3)
41BULWARKSowmya RamkumarPartition figured in Kabul war killing (7)
40ANTITHESISAditya WankhedeState hints destruction of opposition (10)
39MISANTHROPEVinit WankhedeModel on the ramp is a man hater (11)
38RELATINGCrypt EllaReferring to integral's derivative, perhaps ? (8)
37INCIDENTTanmay SrivastavaIncited rebellion, holding the first nonconformist event (8)
36REGISTERSRamki KrishnanChronicles of wild tigress (9)
35WASTESSv AvtaarA stew became rotten (5)
34DELIBERATEHeidi SchroederPlanned where to get a sandwich and half a beer at cost (10)
33SCALPELPaddy CravenLeading surgeons can always look professional exchanging lancet for a blade (7)
32TEMPERVinod RamanThe essential mood predetermining everybody's reaction, primarily. (8)
31FELLOWSHIPArvind KannabiranMan's in good company (10)
30FAINT-HEARTEDPaddy CravenA fan tried the curried chicken (5-7)
29STANDOFFISHBrian DungatePolicy on workplace drinking is withdrawn (11)
28OF COURSEManish MisraAbsolutely lost without sex (2,6)
27FEATHEREDRamki KrishnanHardened wife leaves to get a bit of facial, becomes soft (9)
26HAMPERUsha MehtaPork for every picnic basket (6)
25MEDIUMDebasmita BasuMeans to die another way in silence (6)
24SMARTManish MisraSting starts stealing Madonna's and Rihanna's tunes (5)
23FLUTTERHeidi SchroederShiver with illness, taking the first of two trips to emergency room (7)
22MOMENTRaj JayaramCardamom enterprise holds importance (6)
21DIRE STRAITSHeidi SchroederBritish band tried sitar composition, with some success! (4,7)
20SUMPTUOUSBrian DungateExpensive issue maps tour of UK's even provided (9)
19ENDEAVOURRamki KrishnanEver undo a wrong? Try! (9)
18SHIFTLakshmi VaidyanathanKey Move (5)
17LEATHERGaurav JohriHide Muggle at Hermione's house (7)
16INTEGRATEDHeidi SchroederGet trained at work together (11)
15BREAKPaddy CravenHoliday snap (5)
14SETMohsin AhmedGroup to make crossword clues (3)
13EVANESCENTHeidi SchroederShort sentence rewritten, upon reflection, without a verb (10)
12MAGNETIC FIELDRamki KrishnanLife can get dim? Not exactly - It's attractive! (8,5)
11KNOWLEDGEPaddy CravenKeen to start immediately, student has advantage..It's acquired from learning (9)
10PRESS RELEASEHari MannarsamyWhat Tamilnadu CM does to Karnataka government on Cauvery water every year - It makes a public record! (5,7)
9HYPERSPACEBash AshokMulti-dimensional billboard? (10)
8CONCENTRATERamki KrishnanFocus, study, create new entertaining book (11)
7COLLATERAL DAMAGEArvind KannabiranMountainside destruction has unintended casualties (10,6)
6A DROP IN THE OCEANSSv AvtaarA little anchor ? (1,4,2,3,5)
5CETERIS PARIBUSPaddy CravenRaise prices, but incomprehensibly, everything else stays the same.(7,7)
4GROUNDBREAKINGSrinivas KotamarthiEgg inside salad of Burger King and that's innovative (14)
3CURMUDGEONUsha MehtaGreek character jumps into yogurt, has gone mad, and become a sourpuss! (10)
2SHRINKING VIOLETUsha MehtaShy purpl flowr ? (9, 6)
1MENAGERIERamki KrishnanChaps near Silver Lake zoo (9)

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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