Gosh 78


Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song


Bonus Question: Identify the movie from Clue Pic 2

The correct answer is “O Maria O Maria etc..” from” Sagar”.. Here’s the clip

Here’s the explanation

O Maria O Maria – Pic 1 – O + Maria (Sharapova)

O Maria – Pic 2 – O + Maria (Julie Andrews in Sound of Music)

ho ho ho  – Pic 3 

Johnny ne jab bola etc  – Pic 4 (Johhny)) + Pic 5 (When) + Pic 6 (Will you marry me)

Solution to Bonus Question:  Sound of Music

Here are the smart folk who scored full points

TOP 10

Arvind Ramaswamy (1st, Pune) – 6th time at #1 tying with Venkat and Pradeep

Priya Shyam (2nd, Bahrain)

Smita Rangesh (3rd, USA)

Vinutha (India)

Anu Ananth (Bahrain)

Gayathri (Bahrain)

Aparna Menon (Bahrain)

Ramki Krishnan (CHENNAI)

Siddharth watwe (Nj)

Zulfikar Ali (Manama)

OTHERS who got it correct

Hari kumar, Aashwina, Sagnik Sinha, Madhup Tewari, Harini Mukundh, Lakshmi Prakash, Priya Sethu, Deepa Karthik, LV, Praseetha, Anantha Kumar Rajamani, Vaishali Dhake, Bash Ashok, Sri Grandhi, Arun Raman, Supriya Narayanan, Nandini Ganesh, Aishwarya, Rajee Gurumurthy, Gopal Krishna Sharma N, Anupam, Surabhi gupta, Supriya Mithal, Venkatraghavan S., Shilpi Ranjan, Vidhya Ganesh, Priya B, Anjana, Pradeep Raghunathan and Mona Sogal

The following got the song correct but missed the bonus question

Ratna rao (Mumbai) Nisha ranga, Ravi Rajagopalan, Anita, Anindita Basu Roy (Welcome to GoSH) Radhika Anand and Maya Sharma

Also, Congrats to Pradeep the first Dr. GoSH awardee to claim his customised certificate. Hope it finds a place of pride in your mantelpiece (or WA/FB status) GoSH PR

Congrats to all who played and see you with a new puzzle at 2:30PM Bahrain

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